Known issues and workarounds

Find instructions and solutions to the known issues that you might encounter with IBM® Application Discovery for IBM Z®.

1. All IBM AD services are stopped and not restarted as expected when you reboot the Linux machine

When you reboot the Windows machine, all the services would be restarted automatically. However, when you reboot the Linux® machine, you find that none of the AD services get back up and running, which is a limitation to the Linux support at the moment. The workaround is to manually restart the four main AD services in order when the Linux machine completes its reboot.

Check the following list for the four main AD services and the commands to manually start each service.
  • IBM AD Service Manager: <AD_INSTALL_DIRECTORY>/IBM Application Discovery Service Manager/
  • IBM AD Web Service:<AD_INSTALL_DIRECTORY>/IBM AD Web Services/wlp/bin/server start ad_server
  • IBM AD Configuration Service: <AD_INSTALL_DIRECTORY>/IBM Application Discovery Configuration Service/

After all the four main AD services are started successfully, you can start to use AD again.

2. IBM ADDI Service Manager does not automatically start after the configuration or upgrade process of IBM AD on Linux Red Hat 8 machine

After the configuration or upgrade process, it might be possible that ADDI Service Manager does not start automatically, which would cause IBM AD Configuration Wizard and IBM AD Upgrade Wizard not to complete successfully. The workaround is to manually start IBM ADDI Service Manager.

To start IBM ADDI Service Manager, proceed as follows:
  1. Go to <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>/IBM Application Discovery Service Manager/ and locate the file.
  2. In case that the .sh file is not executable, open a terminal and run the following command for flagging them as executable.
    chmod +x
  3. If the service does not start, check the ad-service-manager.log file located in the <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>/IBM Application Discovery Service Manager folder.

3. When upgrading from IBM AD V5.1.0.9 to IBM AD V5.1.0.9 iFix 1 on Linux Red Hat 8 machine, it might be required to set a new password for IBM AD GraphDB

In case that you have upgraded IBM AD from IBM AD V5.1.0.9 to IBM AD V5.1.0.9 iFix 1 on Linux Red Hat® 8 machine and you have decided to change the default IBM AD GraphDB port, it is possible to cause IBM AD GraphDB to not work correctly. The workaround is to manually set a new password and confirm it.

To set a new password for IBM AD GraphDB, proceed as follows:
  1. Access Start Menu > IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence > Launch IBM Application Discovery Configuration Service Admin, and go to Configure > Environments.
  2. Set a new password and confirm it.
  3. Click Save.