Bringing data from mainframe libraries (PDS Libraries, Endevor, Librarian, Natural)

  1. Associate a z/OS® connection to project (for details see Associating a z/OS Access Point to a Project).
  2. Configure the z/OS connection (for details see Configuring the zOS Connection).
  3. Query the environment.
  4. Scan files.
  5. Scan libraries.

Following is the detailed description of the steps 3-5.

Note: IBM® AD Connect for Mainframe uses z/OS Unicode services to convert character data from one code page to another. There are two settings that tell IBM AD Connect for Mainframe which code page to use for the host and the client:
Each variable is a five digit number, denoted by a Coded Character Set Identifier (CCSID) and established by the Character Data Representation Architecture (CDRA). Usually the CCSID is the same as the code page number used in the informal use. In case there is a doubt in using the correct CCSID, see z/OS Unicode Services User’s Guide and Reference, Appendix A. Description of CCSIDs.