Explore … (project name) Tab
Explore … (project name) tab allows the user to explore the project contents and to see the list of available project resources.
The resource types available in the Resource type drop-down list depend on the type of project that was created in IBM® AD Build.
To display the project contents, in Application Discovery Browser perspective, from the Projects list in the central part of the Explore Projects view, select your project. For details on how to select a perspective and a description of the Application Discovery Browser perspective, see the section AD Perspectives Common Elements.

The Resource type field allows the user to filter the resources that are displayed in the central part of the screen according to the resource type. Use the Name filter field to filter the resources by name. Use the a-z button to the right of the Name filter field to order the list alphabetically. Click the adjacent button display only annotated to filter the search results so that only the annotated resources are shown. The list of items contains both resources that were physically added to the project and resources that exist in the database but are not physically added in the project. For example, programs that are not physically added but are called by other programs that exist in the project.
Select a resource from the list: the analyses pane to the right of the screen displays the analyses that can be generated for the selected resource. Double-click a resource from the list to open it in the Editor view in the lower part of the screen.
When a resource is selected, the Properties view displays details about the selected resource such as the resource type and its path. For the resources that do not exist in the project - which are only called or used by existing resources, the path is not available. This method can be used to identify this type of resources.
example, you can add the special character * to either prefixes or suffixes as in the
following samples: PL/I - member* or *procedure; ControlM - (app*) or
(app*-controlm*); Cobol program- A* or *1.