Reports Settings

Use Reports settings to determine what type of information is displayed on the front page of the reports that are generated with IBM® AD Analyze Client. Specific parameters are also available according to the project type: Java™ projects or mainframe projects.

In order to access Reports settings, go to IBM AD Analyze Client and select Window > Preferences > Application Discovery > Local settings > Reports settings.

By default, the Owner(s), Organization, Project/Organization Role, and Report header image file fields display the global settings configured for the reports in IBM AD Configuration Server at installation time.

If Allow overwrite option was checked in IBM AD Configuration Server for the reports settings, IBM AD Analyze users can select Overwrite global configuration and proceed to change the reports settings for their local workstations.

If Allow overwrite option is not checked in IBM AD Configuration Server, only the Global settings are taken into account.

  • Owner(s), enter your name or the name of the person who generates the reports.
  • Organization, enter the name of your company.
  • Project/Organization role, enter your position in the organization or role in the project.
  • Report header image, use Browse to locate and select a header image for the generated reports.
  • Activate Application Discovery Reports view every time a report is finished, select this check box to automatically present the AD Reports view when a report is generated.