General Settings
Use General Settings to set the connection parameters for the IBM® AD Analyze Client and Server and OrientDB components. Several other parameters can also be set.
To access the general settings, go to IBM AD Analyze Client and select . The following general settings are available:
- Log folder, the default path to the log folder is displayed. Use Browse to set the path to the folder where the IBM AD Analyze Client log files are saved.
- Temporary folder, the default path to temporary folder is displayed. Use Browse to set path to the folder where the IBM AD Analyze Client temporary files are saved.
- Enable easy log4j configuration syntax, this option is selected by default and it determines Reload log configuration to use file instead of the default When editing the default file, make sure that you use log4j syntax. For more information on and files, see Appendix 3: Log Configuration Files Examples.
Click Reload Log Configuration to reload the log configuration file, from where you set the level of detail you want to generate about errors.
For more information about General Settings, see the next paragraphs.