Configuring IBM AD Manual Resolution Service

About this task

The IBM® AD Manual Resolution Service manages the manually added resolutions and it is mandatory to be configured if you want to use callgraph-based analyzes (graphs or reports). This task is step 4 of configuring an IBM AD installation through IBM AD Configuration Wizard.


  1. Access Start Menu > IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence > Launch IBM Application Discovery Configuration Service Admin, and go to Configure > Environments > "Your environment" > Services > Manual Resolutions Service. The Manual Resolutions Service settings page is displayed.
  2. If necessary, you can modify the path where the journal files are created. The path where these files are generated is separated from the project's path and needs to be accessible only for IBM AD Manual Resolution Service. Once a project is imported, a folder with the same name is generated in the related path and it hosts all the files that are needed to manage dynamic call resolutions. Example:
  3. Optionally, the main path where the manual resolutions are created for each project, can be overwritten. Click Add, select the target project, and add the path where the manual resolutions are created for the target project.
  4. Click Save.
    Note: Make sure to restart Manual Resolutions Service after saving the changes.