Configuring IBM AD Batch Server Service

About this task

Before running IBM® AD Batch Server Service, some preliminary configurations must be performed. You need to specify on which projects you want IBM AD Batch Server to run the reports, which reports to generate and where to store the generated reports.


  1. Access Start Menu > IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence > Launch IBM Application Discovery Configuration Service Admin, and go to Configure > Environments > "Your environment" > Services > Batch Server Service. The Batch Server Service settings page is displayed.
  2. Add the folder path in which the indexes are generated.
    Note: If you want to enable the special character indexing property, locate the startServer.bat file under <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>\IBM Application Discovery Batch Server, and set index.useExtraMarkers to be true.
  3. Select the projects on which IBM AD Batch Server will operate.
  4. Select at least one component that will run on the selected projects.

    Detailed information on the additional components that can be considered for this service.

    Table 1. Additional Components
    Component Description
    RuleBased The RuleBased component generates reports for the resources that are specified in the configuration files according to the rules and parameters that are defined in the corresponding configuration files.
    Note: If the RuleBased component is used, make sure that the file is configured. For more information, go to File.
    Reports The Reports component is used to generate the complexity reports. For more information, go to Complexity Reports.
    CobolPreprocessor The CobolPreprocessor, JCLPreprocessor, and PL1Preprocessor components generate the expanded sources for COBOL, JCL, and PL/I. For more information, go to View Expanded Source.
  5. Click Save.
    Note: Make sure to restart IBM AD Batch Server after saving the changes.