Manual Configurations
- The old UI of IBM AD Configuration Service has been removed. The http://localhost:8080 link cannot be accessed.
- The Hypertext transfer protocol secure (HTTPS) for Authentication Server (DEX), IBM AD File Service, IBM AD Search Service, IBM® AD Mainframe Projects Service, IBM AD Cross Applications Service, and IBM AD Manual Resolutions Service can now be enabled from the new UI of IBM AD Configuration Service.
For any version prior to IBM AD V5.1.0.9 iFix 1, it is still recommended to follow the instructions in topic Manual Configurations to enable Hypertext transfer protocol secure (HTTPS) as a default connection protocol for IBM AD File Service, IBM AD Search Service, IBM AD Mainframe Projects Service, IBM AD Cross Applications Service, and IBM AD Manual Resolutions Service.
The authentication process is conducted through DEX or through any other Authentication Server that supports the OAuth2 protocol. Authentication Server (DEX), which is delivered through the IBM ADDI installer, is an identity service that uses OpenID Connect and it is used in the following configurations.
When you start IBM AD Analyze Client, you need to login by using login button that is present on the right bottom of the screen to observe the list of available projects. A browser page is opened into which the user and password are filled in. The credentials reach the Authentication Server (DEX), using the LDAP protocol, and it checks whether the credentials of the user are bounded to an account in Secure Storage. The Secure Storage can be an Active Directory or any other entity that stores users and groups and can communicate through LDAP. For more information, see the Authorization and Authentication section.
Once authenticated, an authorization process is started to determine the list of available mainframe projects and whether the user can access all the source files that are used in the listed mainframe projects. Based on the configurations that are made, File Service maps the groups of users to a certain folder with the source files that can be on the same machine with File Service or not. Once you are authenticated and authorized, you can start the analysis on the available mainframe projects and on the source files.