Configuring IBM AD Wazi Analyze Rest API Service

About this task

IBM® AD Wazi Analyze Rest API Service provides the capability to manage hypercubes within IBM Wazi Analyze. By default, it is configured to allow a maximum of 10 hypercubes that can be loaded in parallel within IBM Wazi Analyze and to unload a hypercube that has been idle for 30 minutes or more. If you want to change the default configuration perform the following steps.


  1. Go to <IBM ADDI Installation folder>\IBM AD Web Services\wlp\usr\servers\ad_server\conf.wazianalyze and open the configuration file.
  2. Define the maximum number of hypercubes that can be loaded in parallel in IBM Wazi Analyze. Example:
    ## Define the maximum number of hypercubes that can be loaded in parallel in Wazi Analyze
    ## For e.g. MAX_NUMBER_HYPERCUBES=20
  3. Define the timeout interval (in minutes) after which an idle hypercube will be unloaded in IBM Wazi Analyze. Example:
    ## Define the timeout interval (in minutes) after which an idle hypercube will be unloaded in Wazi Analyze
  4. Restart the IBM AD Wazi Analyze Rest API Service by restarting the IBM Application Discovery WebSphere® Liberty Profile Windows service from the Windows Services Panel.
    Note: Wait until the IBM AD Wazi Analyze Rest API Service is successfully restarted by verifying the CWWKZ0001I: Application wazianalyze started in xxx seconds. log message in the ...\wlp\usr\servers\ad_server\logs\messages.log file.