About this task
IBM® AD Wazi Analyze
Rest API Service provides the capability to manage
hypercubes within IBM Wazi Analyze. By default, it is
configured to allow a maximum of 10 hypercubes that can be loaded in parallel within IBM Wazi Analyze and to unload a hypercube that has been idle for
30 minutes or more. If you want to change the default configuration perform the following steps.
Go to <IBM ADDI Installation folder>\IBM AD Web
Services\wlp\usr\servers\ad_server\conf.wazianalyze and open the
application.properties configuration file.
- Define the maximum number of hypercubes that can be loaded in parallel in IBM Wazi Analyze. Example:
## Define the maximum number of hypercubes that can be loaded in parallel in Wazi Analyze
- Define the timeout interval (in minutes) after which an idle hypercube will be unloaded
in IBM Wazi Analyze. Example:
## Define the timeout interval (in minutes) after which an idle hypercube will be unloaded in Wazi Analyze
- Restart the IBM AD Wazi Analyze
Rest API Service by restarting the IBM Application
Discovery WebSphere® Liberty Profile Windows service from the Windows Services Panel.
Note: Wait until the IBM AD Wazi Analyze
Rest API Service is successfully restarted by verifying the
CWWKZ0001I: Application wazianalyze started in xxx seconds.
log message in
the ...\wlp\usr\servers\ad_server\logs\messages.log file.