Step 9.1 Advanced Configurations for IBM AD Batch Server
After IBM® Application Discovery for IBM Z® (AD) Batch Server is installed, a folder named sample-conf is created in the IBM AD Batch Server installation folder. This sample-conf folder contains the templates for all the configuration files needed to customize the functioning of IBM AD Batch Server. To configure IBM AD Batch Server, copy the templates from the sample-conf folder, and place them in the conf folder.
Once the setup is completed, before running IBM AD Batch Server, some preliminary configurations should be performed. You need to specify on which projects you want IBM AD Batch Server to run the reports, which reports to generate, where to store the generated reports etc. Also, you need to specify the parameters for IBM AD Web Service.
The configuration parameters are stored in,, and files. The following sections contain a detailed description of the parameters available in these three files as well as a description of other configuration files for specific components such as Annotations, GraphDB, Search Index, Rule Based, Reports, and Web Service Metrics.