Global Settings
The global settings specify the projects on which the IBM® AD Batch Server will operate and which components will run on the specified projects.
The file is where you can set the following global properties.
- Comma separated list of project names that will be the only ones considered for this service.Important: If no value is set for this parameter no report will be generated. * means all projects.
- Comma separated list of project names that will be excluded for this service (lower priority than whitelist). Leave empty or remove property if not needed.
- Comma separated list of component names that will be the only ones considered
for this service. Ex.: index must be added as a
Optional components can be considered for this service.
Table 1. Optional Components Component Description ruleBased The Rule Based component generates reports for the resources specified in the configuration files according to the rules and parameters defined in the corresponding configuration files. Note: If the Rule Based component is used, make sure that the file is configured. For more information, go to File.reports The Reports component is used to generate the complexity reports. For more information, go to Complexity Reports. cobolPP The cobolPP, jclPP, and pl1PP components generate the expanded sources for COBOL, JCL, and PL/I. For more information, go to View Expanded Source. jclPP pl1PP
Important: It is vital that you set the parameters for the Search
Index, Annotations and GraphDB components. Failing to do so will make some of the analysis impossible to
generate in IBM AD Analyze.