AD Web Services
- Restore the IBM® AD
Catalog and IBM AD Audit databases. For more information about the
databases, see step 1
in section backing up steps for AD Web Services.Note: Make sure to maintain the same ownership for each database as it was defined, and that the owner has all the necessary rights as defined during installation and configuration.
- Restore the server.xml configuration file. For more information about the
file, see step 2 in
section backing up steps for AD Web Services.
If the database connection details were changed, edit the server.xml file to point to the correct location of the SQL/Db2® server, and change the credentials accordingly.
- For IBM AD
Catalog, restore the
DataCollector configuration files and
zoscdc.cmd. For more information about the files, see step 3 in section backing up
steps for AD Web Services.
Create a directory <was_liberty_path>\zoscDataCollector, and put the DataCollector configuration files in it.