AD Web Services


  1. Restore the IBM® AD Catalog and IBM AD Audit databases. For more information about the databases, see step 1 in section backing up steps for AD Web Services.
    Note: Make sure to maintain the same ownership for each database as it was defined, and that the owner has all the necessary rights as defined during installation and configuration.
  2. Restore the server.xml configuration file. For more information about the file, see step 2 in section backing up steps for AD Web Services.

    If the database connection details were changed, edit the server.xml file to point to the correct location of the SQL/Db2® server, and change the credentials accordingly.

  3. For IBM AD Catalog, restore the DataCollector configuration files and zoscdc.cmd. For more information about the files, see step 3 in section backing up steps for AD Web Services.

    Create a directory <was_liberty_path>\zoscDataCollector, and put the DataCollector configuration files in it.