AD Services
Restore the configuration files for the following IBM®AD Services as follows:
- Authentication Server (DEX)
Restore the dex.yaml file and place it under the <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>/Authentication Server (DEX)/conf/ folder.
- IBM AD File
Restore the conf.yaml file and place it under the <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>/IBM Application Discovery File Service/conf/ folder.
- IBM AD Search
Restore the conf.yaml file and place it under the <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>/IBM Application Discovery Search Service/conf/ folder.
- IBM AD Manual
Resolution Service
- Restore the conf.yaml file and place it under the <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>/IBM Application Discovery Manual Resolutions/conf/ folder.
- Restore the folders where the journals were created by following the same path that is set in
the conf.yaml file. Note: If the path to the folders where the journals are placed is different from the previous one, make sure that you add the new path in the conf.yaml configuration file.
- IBM ADMainframe Project Service
Restore the conf.yaml file and place it under the <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>/IBM Application Discovery Mainframe Projects Service/conf/ folder.
Cross Applications Service
Restore the conf.yaml file and place it under the <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>/IBM Application Discovery Cross Applications Service/conf/ folder.