AD Build Client

Note: Before you start to restore AD Build Client, AD Configuration Server must be restored, and AD Build Client is highly recommended to be installed.


  1. Restore AD Build projects.
    1. Restore the project folders. For more information about the folders, see substep a of step 1 in section backing up steps for AD Build Client.
      Note: Make sure to keep the same security/share level for each folder as they were defined.
    2. Restore the relational databases of AD Build Client projects. For more information about the databases, see substep b of step 1 in section backing up steps for AD Build Client.
      Note: Make sure to maintain the same ownership for each database as they were defined, and that the owner has all the necessary rights as defined during installation and configuration.
  2. Restore the source code files that are loaded in AD Build Client. For more information about the files, see step 2 in section backing up steps for AD Build Client.
    Note: Make sure to keep the same security/share level for each folder as they were defined.
  3. Restore AD Build configurations. For more information about the configurations, see step 3 in section backing up steps for AD Build Client.
    • Make sure to keep the same security/share level for each folder as they were defined.
    • At this point, IBM® AD Build Client is configured and up and running, and all the projects are available and can be used.
  4. If AD Validation Service is used, restore AD Validation Service configuration files. For more information about the files, see step 4 and 5 in section backing up steps for AD Build Client.
  5. If the Rule Based component is used, restore Rule Based reports and queries. For more information about the reports and queries, see step 6 in section backing up steps for AD Build Client.
    Note: At this point, IBM AD Validation Service is configured, and the corresponding service can be started.