AD Build Client
Note: Before you start to restore AD Build Client,
AD Configuration Server must be restored, and AD Build Client is highly recommended to be installed.
- Restore AD Build projects.
- Restore the project folders. For more information about the folders,
see substep
a of step 1 in section backing up steps for AD Build Client.Note: Make sure to keep the same security/share level for each folder as they were defined.
- Restore the relational databases of AD Build Client projects. For more information about the
databases, see substep b of step 1 in section backing up steps for AD Build Client.Note: Make sure to maintain the same ownership for each database as they were defined, and that the owner has all the necessary rights as defined during installation and configuration.
- Restore the project folders. For more information about the folders,
see substep
a of step 1 in section backing up steps for AD Build Client.
- Restore the source code files that are loaded in AD Build Client. For more information about the files, see step 2 in section backing up
steps for AD Build Client.Note: Make sure to keep the same security/share level for each folder as they were defined.
- Restore AD Build configurations. For more information about the
configurations, see step
3 in section backing up steps for AD Build Client.Note:
- Make sure to keep the same security/share level for each folder as they were defined.
- At this point, IBM® AD Build Client is configured and up and running, and all the projects are available and can be used.
- If AD Validation Service is used, restore AD Validation Service configuration files. For more information about the files, see step 4 and 5 in section backing up steps for AD Build Client.
- If the Rule Based component is used, restore Rule Based reports and queries. For
more information about the reports and queries, see step 6 in section backing up
steps for AD Build Client.Note: At this point, IBM AD Validation Service is configured, and the corresponding service can be started.