Call Graph Restrictions
Use Call Graph Restrictions to restrict the number of elements that are displayed in a call graph that is generated in IBM® AD Analyze Client.
To access Call Graph Restrictions settings, go to IBM AD Analyze Client and select .
Use the available options to specify a list of programs for which subsequent calls (the subtree below the specified programs) must not be displayed in the callgraph. If for example, you generate a forward analysis, calls starting FROM a restricted node are not be displayed but calls TO the restricted node are displayed. The same principle applies for the backward analysis. The restricted nodes appear in the callgraph clearly marked: When you work with the graph database, restricted graph nodes' names are displayed in red and also marked with a specific icon - a funnel. When you work with SQL database, restricted nodes’s names are displayed in red.
Restrictions can be defined for the following call graphs: Program Call Graph, Screen Call Graph, Transaction Call Graph, and Job Call Graph.
These restrictions also apply to the following reports: Backward Call Chains, Forward Call Chains, and SQL Backward Call Chains. In the reports, a restricted node is marked with an exclamation mark, "!".
Supported patterns include *AB, AB*, *AB*.
Check the Stop nodes will not be visible in graph box to trigger whether the restricted nodes will be visible or not in the graph or report.