Analysis Expansion Limits

Use Analysis Expansion Limits to set global limits for the analyses that are generated in IBM® AD Analyze Client.

To access Analysis Expansion Limits settings, go to IBM AD Analyze Client and select Window > Preferences > Application Discovery > Local settings > Limits and restrictions > Analysis Expansion Limits.

The default configurations on the Analysis Expansion Limits page is shown as the following example.
Default limit settings

The following parameters are available:

  • Limit Expansion, this option is selected by default and it limits the expansion of analyses that are generated with IBM AD Analyze Client to the number of the levels that are defined by the Threshold field.
  • Threshold, enter the maximum number of levels to be processed by the analysis. The default value is "3" levels.
  • highlight results that are cut short by the threshold, this option is selected by default and it, along with the Threshold value, controls how the Limit marker icon is used to highlight the nodes beyond which further analysis results are not displayed. For details, see the corresponding sections on each graph for which this option is available.
    Note: The Limit marker icon (limit marker icon) is displayed when you restrict the call graph depth by setting a threshold. It indicates that the program node is at the level where the graph stops progressing forward. To extend the depth of the graph, increase the level by adjusting the threshold to a larger number.
    • If the highlight results that are cut short by the threshold option is selected, the Limit marker icon is used to highlight only those nodes beyond which further analysis results exist and can be displayed, but which are hidden based on the value of the Threshold field. In this case, the Limit marker icon specifies that some information is available but intentionally not displayed. Take the following image as an example. When the Threshold is set to 3, and the highlight results that are cut short by the threshold option is selected, only PLI3:PLI3 is marked with a Limit marker icon. This is because in the case of the threshold that is set higher than 3, or when the Limit Expansion option is not selected, a node that exists beyond PLI3:PLI3 called PLI4 will also be visible.
      Checked highlights
    • If the highlight results that are cut short by the threshold option is not selected, the Limit marker icon is used to highlight all those displayed nodes that represent the defined Threshold value. In this situation, any node that is at the level that is defined by the Threshold value is highlighted with the Limit marker icon, no matter if there is one or more nodes beyond that highlighted node that are not displayed due to the value of the Threshold field. In this case, the Limit marker icon specifies all those nodes that represent the exact Threshold value. Take the following image as an example. When the Threshold is set to 3, and the highlight results that are cut short by the threshold option is not selected, all nodes on the same level with PLI3:PLI3 are marked with a Limit marker icon, and again, no nodes beyond the threshold limit are shown.
      Unchecked highlights
    Note: This option can be set only for the following graphs: Program Call Graph, AAUTO Graph, Screen Call Graph, Job Call Graph, Transaction Call Graph, and Dataset Flow. This option can be set for the following reports: Backward Call Chains, Forward Call Chains, SQL Backward Call Chains, A-AUTO Network Dependency Report, and Data Flow Through Datasets.
  • Adjacent levels to zoom, enter a value in this field to set the graph levels to be included in the zoom operation when a component from the graph inventory is chosen. For example, if you enter the value "3" in this field, when you double-click a component in the graph inventory, that component within the graph together with three adjacent components are displayed. Select Display indirect links to include the indirect links in the graph.
  • Nodes threshold, enter the maximum number of nodes to be displayed in the graph. When this limit is reached, a notification appears to ask the user whether the application should display graph nodes beyond this limit or not.
Then, when you run a Job Call Graph with different scenarios, the Limit marker icon is shown in different nodes.
  • If the Limit Expansion is selected, with highlight results that are cut short by the threshold selected, and the Threshold value is set to 3, starting from the job that is named BLK010, the Limit marker icon is shown only in the upper right corner of node PLI3:PLI3.
    Limit marker shown
  • If the Limit Expansion checkbox is cleared, and starts from the job that is named BLK010, no Limit Marker icon is shown in the graph because no Threshold value is in effect. In this case, another node PLI4 is shown beyond node PLI3:PLI3.
    Full image