Programs Inventory Report

The Programs Inventory report presents a detailed list of all the programs in the current project as well as details about each program.

To generate this report, in Explore Projects view, go to the Mainframe Reports list in the pane to the right. Select Inventory Reports then double-click the desired report to display the report wizard.

The Available programs area displays the resources available for report generation and allows the user to select the resources to be included in the report. Use the Name field to filter the contents of the list. Place the cursor over an icon to display a tooltip about the type of resource it displays and click it to display only the selected type of resource. To display the full name of the resource type, click the white arrow button to the left of the dialog window. Use the arrow buttons to move the resources between the Available and Selected lists then click Finish to generate the report.

In Report generation options area, the selection indicates that the report appendix is displayed by default. Choose what additional data to include in the appendix: show input details in appendix. To show only the report summary, select the appropriate option.

The Report summary section presents Totals and Averages.

The Report details section shows for each program, the total number of Backfired Function Points, total number of calls, total number of statements, and total number of includes. Also, a list of all the includes identified is displayed.

In order to calculate the values, the following formula is used: number of statements / k, where k is the constant used for each language as follows:
  • COBOL - 175.0
  • PL/1 - 126.0
  • Natural - 100.0
  • Assembler - 400.0
For for ADS Process or ADS Dialog resources, the Backfired Function Points value is not calculated.
Remember: The values are rounded before generating the report.