Field Usage Report

This report presents the relationships among the resources of an application so that the impact of renaming a field can be understood.

To generate this report, in Explore Projects view go to the Mainframe Reports list in the pane to the right. Select Impact Reports then double-click the desired report to display the report wizard.

In the first dialog window of the wizard, select the target of the analysis - either locate variables in programs or includes, or browse for a table field - then click Next to display the second dialog window of the wizard.
Note: If you choose to start the impact report for an SQL table field, the report is generated on a variable that is mapped with the table field and not on the table field.
Choose the type of source file - program or include - for variable selection then click Next.
Note: In case you selected the include type of resource, a list of include items is presented. Select a single entry from the available list, then press Next. A list of programs that uses the selected include resource is presented. Use CTRL to select non-consecutive programs from the list.

Regardless of the selections made in the previous dialogs, a list of programs is displayed. Use the field to filter the list and locate the desired resource. Select the resource, then click Next to display the next dialog window of the report wizard.

A list of variables that were found in the selected resource is presented. Use CTRL to select non-consecutive variables from the list. Use the field to filter the list elements and to locate the desired variable then select it and click Finish to generate the report.
Note: In case you selected the include type of resource, only the variables from the first selected program are listed.