Configuration file template


The configuration file is used by the IBM® watsonx Code Assistant for Z Code Optimization Advice analysis engine in cases where LISTING= and ADATA= can't be used. The configuration file tells the analysis engine where to find the listing and ADATA files for the application or programs being analyzed. This is used when ADATA and/or listing files are in multiple data sets, or when multiple non-nested programs are in a source file.

Example template:

   "INPUT": [
         "PROGRAM": "A",
         "PROGRAM": "B",
         "MODULE": "DATASET.NAME(X)",
         "PROGRAM": "B",
         "MODULE": "DATASET.NAME(Y)",
         "PROGRAM": "*",

The keywords INPUT, PROGRAM, MODULE, LISTING, ADATA, must be as written (uppercase not required).

INPUT is an array of objects, each containing multiple string key/value pairs.

Each object must contain PROGRAM and at least one of LISTING or ADATA; MODULE is optional.
Attention: Z Code Optimization Advice requires that both an ADATA and LISTING are provided to identify performance problems and recommendations for that program.
PROGRAM is the PROGRAM-ID for the main program in the COBOL source file. The wildcard "*" case is the default case.
Note: The program name does not get appended to the listing and ADATA data sets specified under the default entry. If a member is not specified, the analysis engine first tries to open the data set as a sequential data set. If this data set is a PDS, this step fails. The analysis engine tries again after using the program name as a member name.

The other keywords indicate data set names where the file is located, with or without a member name.

Search order for listings/ADATA is from most to least specific, matching the entry with:
  1. The same PROGRAM and MODULE
  2. The entry with the same PROGRAM
  3. The default "*" entry
  4. The data set where the program was loaded appended with LISTINGS/ADATA