Creating Cross Applications Database on Db2 for LUW Using DDL Script

About this task

A Data Definition Language (DDL) script can be used to create a Cross Applications Database. The DB2LUW_CreateCrossDB.sql DDL script is located on the machine where IBM AD Build Client is installed, in the <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>\IBM Application Discovery Build Client\Bin\Release\DBScripts folder.


  1. Go to <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>\IBM Application Discovery Build Client\Bin\Release\DBScripts and open DB2LUW_CreateCrossDB.sql by using a text editor.
  2. In the entire script, replace the default AA3C3F2F-9A66-4442-BF0A-A6FD18718F1F Global Unique ID (GUID) with your desired Cross Applications Database name.
    Note: The database name must follow the general Db2 object naming rules.
  3. Run the DB2LUW_CreateCrossDB.sql script by using Db2 Command Line Processor (CLP).
  4. After you create the Cross Applications database, go to the machine where IBM AD Servers and Services are installed, access Start Menu > IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence > Launch IBM Application Discovery Configuration Service Admin, and go to Configure > Environments > "Your environment" > Servers and security > Database names. The Database Names settings page is displayed.
  5. Enter the Cross Applications Database name in Cross Database > Name.


The desired Cross Applications Database is created and configured.