Creating Started Task JCL and Procedure Members

About this task

You can create started task JCL and procedure members with Create IBM AD Connect Started Task JCL and Procedure panels. All the parameters that are used on the panels are automatically saved in your TSO user ID ISPF profile.


  1. Go to the Started Task JCL/PROC creation Main Menu panel.
    1. Run the following command:
      The Configuration Main Menu panel is displayed. You can replace IAYV5103.SAMP.JCL with <site-specific-HLQ>.SAMP.JCL. This <site-specific-HLQ>.SAMP.JCL library must have the IAYCONM0 member from IBM® AD Connect for Mainframe.
      This image shows the Configuration Main Menu panel.
    2. On the Configuration Main Menu panel, select option 2.
      To end the application, select option X.
  2. After the Started Task JCL/PROC creation Main Menu panel is opened, provide or verify the parameters, and then press Enter.
    Note: You must have privileges to run commands TSO NETSTAT and Display PROG,APF.
    This image shows the Started Task JCL/PROC creation Main Menu panel.
    Temporary PDSE/PDS
    The name of a temporary PDSE or PDS library. By default, a value is provided in this field. You can modify the value as needed. If the specified library exists, it will be used. Otherwise, the library will be created.
    JCL member name
    The name of the JCL member to be stored in the specified temporary PDSE or PDS library.
    PROC member name
    The name of the procedure member to be stored in the specified temporary PDSE or PDS library.
    AD system wide Datasets HLQs
    The high-level qualifiers of all the data sets in IBM AD Connect for Mainframe. By default, a value is provided in this field. You can modify the value as needed.
  3. After the following panel is opened, provide or verify the parameters, and then press Enter.
    This image shows a panel.
    TCPIP address space name (DISPLAY ONLY)
    The site-specific TCPIP address space name. This value is retrieved from the TSO NETSTAT HOME command response.
    TCP/IP port#
    The TCP/IP port number. The value must be a five-digit number, with leading zeros if required. Enter a port number directly, or select a port from the list of available ports in your system.
    To retrieve the list of available ports, press F4. Enter a forward slash (/) in the line of the port that you want to select, and then press Enter.
    This image shows a panel.
    Host code page
    The CCSID of the host code page. Select a CCSID value from the CCSID list of available host code pages in your system.
    To retrieve the CCSID list of available host code pages, press F5. Enter a forward slash (/) in front of the CCSID that you want to select, and then press Enter.
    This image shows a panel.
    Client code page
    The CCSID of the client code page. Select a CCSID value from the CCSID list of available client code pages in your system.
    To retrieve the CCSID list of available client code pages, press F6. Enter a forward slash (/) in front of the CCSID that you want to select, and then press Enter.
    This image shows a panel.
  4. After the following panel is opened, provide or verify the parameters, and then press Enter.
    This image shows a panel.
    Max# of Tasks
    The maximum number of tasks. The value must be a number in the range 1 - 20.
    REXX Integration
    To run CICS® CSD retrieve in the batch mode, enter Y. Otherwise, enter N.
    Debug mode
    The following debug modes are available:
    Value Debug mode
    Y Debug on UTC
    N Disable debugging
    L Debug on local time
    S Debug on short UTC
    T Debug on short local time
    Get APF list?
    The following values are supported:
    Value Explanation
    Y Retrieve a name list of the subsystem APF libraries that will be used in the STEPLIB library of the started task.
    N Do not retrieve a name list of the subsystem APF libraries that will be used in the STEPLIB library of the started task.
    L Enter this value if the subsystem APF libraries are set up in linklist. The STEPLIB library is not required.
    Create datasets?
    To create data sets for ChangeMan, Adabas, Natural, or TWS subsystems, enter Y. Otherwise, enter N.
    Please select Subsystems
    Select one or more subsystems that you want to create data sets for by entering a forward slash (/).
  5. After the following panel is opened, select or verify the APF libraries for the subsystems. After an APF library is selected for each subsystem, press Enter.
    This image shows a panel.
    If multiple versions of APF libraries exist in a subsystem, *** HIT [ENTER] TO SELECT is displayed. After you press Enter, the Available APF libraries for Subsystem panel is displayed. The following image shows an example of the available APF libraries for the IMS subsystem. Enter a forward slash (/) in the line of the load library that you want to select, and then press Enter. To select the first load library, you can press Enter directly.
    This image shows the Available APF libraries for Subsystem panel.


The Started Task JCL/PROC creation Main Menu is displayed. Message IAYC001G, which indicates that the JCL and procedure members are created, is shown on the panel.
This image shows the Started Task JCL/PROC creation Main Menu panel with message IAYC001G.

If Y is entered in the Create datasets? field, Subsystems Datasets Allocation panels are first displayed. For more information about creating data sets with Subsystems Datasets Allocation panels, see topic Creating Data Sets with Subsystems Datasets Allocation Panels.

What to do next

To edit the created JCL and procedure members, use ISPF edit commands. To go back to the Configuration Main Menu panel, press F3.