Creating Data Sets with Subsystems Datasets Allocation Panels

About this task

You can create data sets for the ChangeMan, Adabas, Natural, and Tivoli® Workload Scheduler (TWS) subsystems with Subsystems Datasets Allocation panels. All the parameters that are used on the panels are automatically saved in your TSO user ID ISPF profile.


  1. Go to the Subsystems Datasets Allocation Main Menu panel.
    1. Run the following command:
      The Configuration Main Menu panel is displayed. You can replace IAYV5103.SAMP.JCL with <site-specific-HLQ>.SAMP.JCL. This <site-specific-HLQ>.SAMP.JCL library must have the IAYCONM0 member from IBM® AD Connect for Mainframe.
      This image shows the Configuration Main Menu panel.
    2. On the Configuration Main Menu panel, select option 1.
      To end the application, select option X.
  2. After the Subsystems Datasets Allocation Main Menu panel is opened, provide or verify the parameters for data set allocation, and then press Enter.
    • By default, the maximum number of tasks is 5. You can specify another value (1 - 20) in the Max# of Tasks field.
    • By default, the high-level qualifier is the high-level qualifier of the Main Menu program. You can specify another value in the HLQ field.
    • You must select one of the subsystems: ChangeMan, Adabas, Natural, and TWS. Otherwise, message IAYD883G will be displayed, and you cannot proceed further.
    This image shows the Subsystems Datasets Allocation Main Menu panel.
  3. Provide or verify the parameters on the data set allocation panel, and then press Enter.
    • If you select Create Datasets for ChangeMan on the Subsystems Datasets Allocation Main Menu panel, the following panel is displayed.
      • By default, the number of ChangeMan library entries is 44000. You can specify another value according to your site specifics in the # of ChangeMan Library entries field.
      • The HLQ and 2nd LQ fields must be specified.
      This image shows the data set allocation panel for ChangeMan.
    • If you select Create Datasets for Adabas on the Subsystems Datasets Allocation Main Menu panel, the following panel is displayed.
      Note: The HLQ and 2nd LQ fields must be specified.
      This image shows the data set allocation panel for Adabas.
    • If you select Create Datasets for Natural on the Subsystems Datasets Allocation Main Menu panel, the following panel is displayed.
      • By default, the number of Natural library entries is 44000. You can specify another value according to your site specifics in the # of Natural Library entries field.
      • By default, the number of the largest program's lines is 5000. You can specify another value according to your site specifics in the # of lines of largest program field.
      • The HLQ and 2nd LQ fields must be specified.
      This image shows the data set allocation panel for Natural.
    • If you select Create Datasets for TWS on the Subsystems Datasets Allocation Main Menu panel, the following panel is displayed.
      Note: The HLQ, 2nd LQ and 3rd LQ fields must be specified.
      This image shows the data set allocation panel for TWS.


After data sets for the selected subsystem are created, a result panel is displayed. For example, the following image shows a result panel after data sets for the Natural subsystem are created:
This image shows a result panel.

What to do next

To go back to the Subsystems Datasets Allocation Main Menu panel, press F3.