Configuration for Natural
The following 2 jobs should be created in IBM® AD ParmLib library.
Important: The jobs are used by IBM AD Connect for
Mainframe. Therefore, they shouldn’t be submitted manually.
- The following sample job is found in the SMP/E *.SIAYSAMP
library, more exactly in the IAYNATLB member. Follow the customization steps
for the IAYNATLB job listed in the comment section of the sample JCL. After customization, the member name needs to be set to
NATLBJOB, although the job name can be altered. Setting the member name to
NATLBJOB it allows the IBM AD Connect for
Mainframe to locate the correct job to retrieve the list of members or DDM
In addition, create datasets called IAY.NATURAL.LB.TASKnn as sequential files with record format FB and record length 133, where nn goes from 01 to the number of tasks specified in MAXTASK.//IAYNATLB JOB <job parameters>,SYSTEM=* <== run job on same system as AD //NAT EXEC PROC=NATB003 <== Substitute your site's Natural batch procedure //* //CMPRINT DD DSN=IAY.NATURAL.LB.TASK%TKK,DISP=SHR <- the DSN for IAYCA0nn ... //* ...DD names allocated by the AD Connect STC. //* The %TKK suffix must remain. //CMSYNIN DD * LOGON %LIB L %REQ FIN /* //* // IF (ABEND=TRUE|ABEND=FALSE) THEN //POST EXEC PGM=IAYPOST //STEPLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=IAYV510.SIAYAUTH <== Set to your AD loadlib //SYSUDUMP DD SYSOUT=* //INDCB DD * // ENDIF /*
- The following sample job is found in the SMP/E *.SIAYSAMP library, more
exactly in the IAYNATLB member. Follow the customization steps for the
IAYNATLB job listed in the comment section of the sample JCL. After
customization, the member name needs to be set to NATMMJOB, although the job
name can be altered. Setting the member name to NATMMBJOB it allows the
IBM AD Connect for
Mainframe to locate the correct job to retrieve the
member source
In addition, create datasets called IAY.NATURAL.MM.TASKnn as sequential files with record format FB and record length 133, where nn goes from 01 to the number of tasks specified in MAXTASK.//IAYNATMM JOB <job parameters>,SYSTEM=* <== run job on same system as AD //NAT EXEC PROC=NATB003 <== Substitute your site's Natural batch procedure //* //CMPRINT DD DSN=IAY.NATURAL.MM.TASK%TKK,DISP=SHR -< the DSN for IAYCB0nn //* ...DD names allocated by the AD Connect STC. //* The %TKK suffix must remain. //CMSYNIN DD * LOGON %LIB L %MEM FIN /* //* // IF (ABEND=TRUE|ABEND=FALSE) THEN //POST EXEC PGM=IAYPOST //STEPLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=IAYV510.SIAYAUTH <== Set to your AD loadlib //SYSUDUMP DD SYSOUT=* //INDCB DD * // ENDIF /*