Configuration for ChangeMan ZMF

The IBM® AD Connect for Mainframe started task retrieves source files from ChangeMan ZMF by submitting a user configured batch job through the internal reader. The sample JCL for this batch job is provided in the IAYXMLRQ member of the SMP/E *.SIAYSAMP distribution library.

The following job needs to be created whenever accessing ChangeMan ZMF via XML service.

The job needs to be in a PDS/E, member name must be XMLREQJB, job name can be altered, and the library doesn't have to be a PROCLIB.

  • The job is used by IBM AD Connect for Mainframe. Therefore, it shouldn’t be submitted manually.
  • Make sure that this job is running on the same LPAR as the AD Connect for Mainframe started task. If your shop is configured in such a way that the job might be scheduled on another system, make sure that you use the SYSTEM=* parameter in the job card, as shown in the example. The * indicates the system that submitted the job. It does not represent a wildcard substitution for any system.
//IAYCHGXL JOB <job parameters>                                         
//* Licensed materials - Property of IBM                              * 
//* 5737-B16 Copyright IBM Corp. 2017, 2018                           * 
//* All rights reserved                                               * 
//* US Government users restricted rights  -  Use, duplication or     * 
//* disclosure restricted by GSA ADP schedule contract with IBM Corp. * 
//*                                                                   * 
//* ChangeMan ZMF Sample JCL.                                         * 
//*                                                                   * 
//* Customize for your site as follows:                               * 
//*                                                                   * 
//* 1) Add the job parameters to meet your system requirements.       * 
//*                                                                   * 
//* 2) Set STEPLIB to point to :                                      * 
//*        -Changeman User Loadlib                                    * 
//*        -Changeman SERCOMC loadlib                                 * 
//*        -Changeman CMNZMF  loadlib                                 * 
//*        -IBM AD loadlib (SIAYAUTH)                                 * 
//*                                                                   * 
//* 3) Set the XMLIN and XMLOUT dataset names to match those          * 
//*    that have been pre-allocated as part of the AD Connector       * 
//*    started task configuration.  For this job, DO NOT include      * 
//*    the 2 trailing digits in the pre-allocated dataset names,      * 
//*    since the AD connector task will insert them before            * 
//*    submitting the job to the internal reader.                     * 
//*                                                                   * 
//* 4) In the POST step, set the STEPLIB to the                       * 
//*    IBM AD loadlib (SIAYAUTH)                                      * 
//*                                                                   * 
//* See the IBM AD Connect for Mainframe Configuration Guide          * 
//* for more details.                                                 * 
//XML EXEC PGM=SERXMLBC                                                      
//STEPLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=CHGMAN.USER.LOAD <== Changman User loadlib         
// DD DISP=SHR,DSN=CHGMAN.SERCOMC.LOAD    <== Changeman SERCOMC library      
// DD DISP=SHR,DSN=CHGMAN.CMNZMF.LOAD     <== Changeman CMNZMF library       
// DD DISP=SHR,DSN=IAYV510.SIAYAUTH       <== IBM AD load library            
//*                                                    TCPIPORT File         
//SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=Z                                                       
//SERPRINT DD SYSOUT=Z                                                       
//SERPRINT DD SYSOUT=Z                                                       
//SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=Z                                                         
//XMLIN DD DISP=SHR,DSN=IAY.CHGMAN.XMLIN <=== The input PDS as defined       
//*                                           in the Listener job            
//XMLOUT DD DISP=SHR,DSN=IAY.CHGMAN.XMLOUT <=== The output of XML processing 
//*                                   as defined in the Listener job         
// IF (ABEND=TRUE|ABEND=FALSE) THEN                                          
//POST EXEC PGM=IAYPOST,COND=(16,LT,XML)                                     
//STEPLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=IAYV510.SIAYAUTH   <== Set to AD load lib 
//SYSUDUMP DD SYSOUT=*                                                       
//INDCB DD *                                                                 
Note: Make sure that the ChangeMan ZMF batch jobs are running on the same LPAR where IBM AD Connect for Mainframe is running.

In addition, create datasets that are named IAY.CHGMAN.XMLINnn as sequential files with record format VB and record length 255, where nn goes from 01 to the number of tasks specified in MAXTASK.

Create datasets that are named IAY.CHGMAN.XMLOUTnn as sequential files with record format VB and record length 5000, where nn goes from 01 to the number of tasks specified on MAXTASK.

The initial space allocation (in units of tracks) for the above datasets is based on the following formula: Take the number of members in your largest ChangeMan library and divide by 80, then add an additional 10% . For example, if your largest ChangeMan library contains 44000 members, then 44000/80 + 10% = 550+55 = 605 tracks.

Ensure that each of these newly defined datasets is correctly referenced on the XMLINnn and XMLOUTnn DD names in the IAYLSTNR PROC previously customized. There is a 1 to 1 correspondence between each dataset and XML* DD name in IAYLSTNR.

Note: Prior to v5.1.0.2 release of IBM AD Connect for Mainframe, the XMLIN and XMLOUT dataset names that were referenced in IAYXMLRQ had to be a specific length. This was due to a restriction in the code that appended the subtask number to the dataset name at a fixed offset. The last character of the XMLIN dataset name had to be on column 43 and the last character of the XMLOUT dataset name had to be on column 44. Starting with the v5.1.0.2 release of IBM AD Connect for Mainframe, this restriction has been removed. The dataset name can be any valid length and the final character can occur at any column offset that is valid within the syntax rules for JCL.
For Continuous Rule Validation via ChangeMan integration, the following step must be added in the compile skeleton(s) in ChangeMan:
//COMPN DD DISP=(OLD,PASS),DSN=&&LIST <== ChangeMan Listing Report output 
<>< ><ppppp>

Where <nn> is the return code in case the validation couldn’t be launched, <> is the IP address of the IBM AD Validation server and <ppppp> is the port.