Retrieving Source Code Information
About this task
Warning: Before you retrieve the source code information, you must configure the z/OS® connection. If you associate the z/OS connection to a project only but you do not configure it,
then you cannot retrieve the data.
This step reads the contents of the sources (either auto-discovered or manually added) configured as presented in Configuring the zOS Connection.
Goto IBM Application Discovery Build Configuration, select
Projects tab, then select the project, then select the z/OS node, and then right-click to display the menu.
Note: You
can run this operation on several projects simultaneously through several z/OS connections. Select all the z/OS connections that you want to use (several connections that
are defined for the same project or for different projects) then right-click to display the menu and
select the scanning operation that you want to apply. If the scan operation cannot be completed on
one or more of the selected z/OS connections, a warning
message is displayed but the scanning operation continues for the rest of the selected connections.
Also, for each z/OS connection a dialog box offers the
possibility of individually selecting the libraries to be scanned.