Retrieving Source Code Information

About this task

Warning: Before you retrieve the source code information, you must configure the z/OS® connection. If you associate the z/OS connection to a project only but you do not configure it, then you cannot retrieve the data.

This step reads the contents of the sources (either auto-discovered or manually added) configured as presented in Configuring the zOS Connection.

Goto IBM Application Discovery Build Configuration, select Projects tab, then select the project, then select the z/OS node, and then right-click to display the menu.
Note: You can run this operation on several projects simultaneously through several z/OS connections. Select all the z/OS connections that you want to use (several connections that are defined for the same project or for different projects) then right-click to display the menu and select the scanning operation that you want to apply. If the scan operation cannot be completed on one or more of the selected z/OS connections, a warning message is displayed but the scanning operation continues for the rest of the selected connections. Also, for each z/OS connection a dialog box offers the possibility of individually selecting the libraries to be scanned.


  1. Select the Retrieve Source Code Information option to display the following window:
    This image shows the Query Source Code Information Tasks dialog box.
    If libraries are found on the remote computer, a list of libraries that are automatically discovered are presented.
    This image shows the names of the libraries that are automatically discovered in a dialog box.
    To scan the libraries added manually, select the Manual Selection option. The list is updated to present only those libraries. Select the libraries that you want to include in the scanning process, then press Scan. Alternatively, you can manually add a library to the list.
    Note: The Delete option becomes available if you select a manually added library.
  2. If the PDS Library option is selected,
    Connect for mainframe brings information about a total of three entities:
    1. Source Library
    2. Source Member
    3. User
    The information refers to libraries and members within the libraries, including member creation date, modification date, and users who modified members.
  3. If the Endevor option is selected, the scanning window displays a list of libraries that are selected for the scanning operation.
    Connect for mainframe brings information about the following CA Endevor entities:
    1. Endevor members.
    2. Endevor Systems.
    3. Endevor Subsystems.
    4. Endevor Environments.
    5. Endevor Stages.
    6. Endevor Types.
    The information refers to System, Subsystem, Environment, Stage, and type.
  4. If the Scan Librarian Libraries option is selected, the scanning window is displayed.
    This image shows the scanning window.
  5. If the Scan Natural Libraries option is selected, the scanning window is displayed.
    This image shows the scanning window.
    From the list, select the Natural libraries that you want to scan, then click Proceed. Alternatively, you can use the Add new libraries field to add new libraries to the list of existing ones.
    Connect for mainframe brings information about the following Natural entities:
    1. Natural Library
    2. Natural Member
    The information refers to last update date, version, and user name.
  6. Before scanning, a confirmation window is displayed: Click Yes to start scanning the selected libraries.
    Note: After the operation is finished, 2 log files are generated: One containing the errors (if applicable) the other detailing the operations that are undertaken. These log files are stored in project name/zOS/logs/zOS name.
  7. Repeat the procedure to scan all the libraries.