IAYMF0012E IBM® AD Connect for Mainframe Connector error: parameters missing.


Some IBM AD Connect for Mainframe mandatory parameters are missing on the started task procedure JCL.

System action

IBM AD Connect for Mainframe started task terminates.

User response

A sample of the mandatory parameters is provided in member IAYLSTNR of library SIAYSAMP. To ensure that all the parameters are set in the IBM AD Connect for Mainframe started task procedure JCL, customize the IAYLSTNR member, and then save it in one of your system's procedure libraries. The following example shows a complete set of parameters, which are positional parameters separated by commas:
Specifies the TCP/IP address space name, for example, TCPIP.
Specifies the TCP/IP port number, for example, 05105. This value must be a five-digit number, with leading zeros if required.
Specifies the maximum number of tasks. The value must be a number in the range 1 - 20.
Specifies the program name. The value must be set to IAYCONN.
Indicates the debug mode. The following debug modes are available:
Value Debug mode Explanation
Y Debug on UTC The long form with coordinated universal time (UTC) timestamps. Long form debug output contains detailed tracing of all the operations that are performed by IBM AD Connect for Mainframe. Because this mode generates large volumes of output, use this mode only for a short duration.
N Disable debugging All debug output is stopped.
L Debug on local time The long form with local time (LT) timestamps. Long form debug output contains detailed tracing of all the operations that are performed by IBM AD Connect for Mainframe. Because this mode generates large volumes of output, use this mode only for a short duration.
S Debug on short UTC The short form with UTC timestamps. To minimize the volume of debug output that is written to the system spool, short form debug output displays only the essential steps that are taken by the code.
T Debug on short local time The short form with LT timestamps. To minimize the volume of debug output that is written to the system spool, short form debug output displays only the essential steps that are taken by the code.
Specifies the CCSID of the host code page, for example, 00278. This value must be a five-digit number, with leading zeros if required.
Specifies the CCSID of the client code page, for example, 01252. This value must be a five-digit number, with leading zeros if required.
This parameter is obsolete, but must remain in this position to preserve the correct position of the parameters that follow. The value must be set to N, which is used as a placeholder.
Indicates whether to run CICS CSD retrieve in the batch mode. Set the value to Y for yes, or N for no.