IAYAC0003E Error occurred while getting response for {0} end-point of Wazi Proxy Service (HTTP response code: {1}). Response: {2}.


The Wazi Proxy Service endpoint that was called returned a different code than HTTP 200.

System action

The Wazi Proxy Service endpoint threw an error.

User response

Depending on the error, check if the Wazi Proxy Service is running correctly in IBM AD WebSphere Liberty Profile. Also, check the log for Wazi Proxy App in <IBM ADDI Installation folder>\IBM AD Web Services\wlp\usr\servers\ad_server\logs\wazianalyze-restapi.log.

For example, in case that HTTP 404 or HTTP 500 code is encountered, perform the following steps:
  1. Stop IBM AD Analyze Client.
  2. Stop Wazi Proxy Service in IBM AD WebSphere Liberty Profile or the entire IBM AD WebSphere Liberty Profile.
  3. Start Wazi Proxy Service in IBM AD WebSphere Liberty Profile or the entire IBM AD WebSphere Liberty Profile.
  4. Start IBM AD Analyze Client.