IAYAA0057E An unspecified error occurred while building hypercube for this project:.

System action

Failed to build the hypercube for the current project. The cause error for Wazi Proxy service is not specified.

System action

An error occurred while building the project or it's hypercube. The build of the project or it's hypercube is aborted.

User response

The action depends on the specified root cause of the error and may be one, multiple or all of the following:
  • Make sure that the Wazi Proxy service is configured correctly for the related environment in IBM® AD Configuration Server
  • Make sure Docker service or Docker Desktop is correctly configured for remote access and make sure that it is up and running.
  • Make sure the Wazi Analyze container inside Docker is up and running and that the Wazi Analyze servers inside the container are up and running.
  • Restart all the above servers and services to make sure that they work as expected without encountering any errors.