IAYAA0054E Cannot connect to IBM® AD Configuration Server. Note: The application cannot operate without a connection to IIBM AD Configuration Server. The application will now terminate.


If the connection to IBM AD Configuration Server is lost or cannot be made when using IBM AD Build Client or IBM AD Build Configuration, the following message is displayed:

Cannot connect to IBM AD Configuration Server.

Note: The application cannot operate without a connection to IBM AD Configuration Server.
The application will now terminate.

System action

IBM AD Build Client and IBM AD Build Configuration cannot operate properly without a connection to IBM AD Configuration Server. IBM AD Build Client and IBM AD Build Configuration application needs access to IBM AD Configuration ServerAD to read and write the information related to all IBM AD projects.

User response

Make sure that IBM AD Configuration Server is up and running and check to see if the IP and PORT of IBM AD Configuration Server are initialized correctly:
  1. Click Start > Run and type regedit.exe.
  2. Go to Computer > HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > WOW6432Node > IBM AD > ApplicationDiscovery.
  3. Make sure that CCS_IP and CCS_PORT are set correctly.