IAYAA0036E The configured Java™ projects' path '%s' is either malformed or does not have 'write' access rights. The Java projects' path must be properly set in IBM AD Configuration Server and must have write access rights in order to delete a Java project.


The specified configured Java projects path is either malformed or does not have write access rights.

System action

IBM AD Build Client reads information about the connection to Wazi Analyze service from IBM AD Configuration Server. Even if the Java projects path is set up correctly in IBM AD Configuration Server. If in the Project path field, the location exists, the current user running IBM AD Build Client (Administrator) must have access to that file-system location and have write access rights to be able to delete a Java project.

User response

Make sure that the folder at file-system location taken from IBM Application Discovery Configuration Server is accessible and that it has "write" access rights for the current IBM AD Build Client user (Administrator). After checking that the Java projects path is saved correctly, try to perform the desired action again.
  1. Start command prompt (cmd.exe) as an administrator in the environment where the IBM Wazi Analyze container is running.
  2. Execute the docker ps -a --format "{{.ID}}\t{{.Names}}" command.
  3. Access Start Menu > IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence > Launch IBM Application Discovery Configuration Service Admin, and go to Configure > Environments > "Your environment" > Servers and security > Wazi Analyze. The Wazi Analyze settings page is displayed.
  4. In the Project path field, make sure that the directory path on your local machine where you store the Java projects to transfer into the Wazi Analyze container is specified. This path needs to be mapped to /home/wazianalyze/data directory in the Wazi Analyze container.
  5. Click Save.