IAYAA0026E An error occurred while trying to delete the '%s' project: %s. Make sure that the connection to Wazi Analyze service is properly configured and that the server is up and running. The deletion of the project failed.


An error occurred while deleting the specified AD Wazi Analyze Java™ project and the cause of the error is specified.

System action

IBM® AD Build Client needs the Wazi Analyze service connection information in order to delete an AD Wazi Analyze Java project. A warning message about the cause of the error is displayed and the project deletion continues. The hypercube and output folders will be deleted together with its entry into IBM AD Configuration Server but not from the autoDB.txt file from the Wazi Analyze container, due to the connection failure to the Wazi Analyze container. The deletion process continues because some projects may have been already partially deleted, corrupted or created from old containers that do not exist anymore.

User response

Depending on the cause of the error specified, take the appropriate action, as it can be one of the following:

  • Make sure that the Docker service is started in Windows.
    1. In Windows 10/11, it can be started only from GUI by starting the Docker Desktop application as an administrator. Docker Desktop wants to start with Windows, but it may fail if not Run as Administrator. To start Docker Desktop with Windows perform the following steps:

      Go to Task Manager > Startup, look for Docker Desktop entry, and Right-click > Properties and tick Run this program as an administrator.


      Go to Task Manager > Startup, look for Docker Desktop entry, Right-click > Disable and make sure to always start Docker Desktop manually as an administrator.

    2. In Windows Server 2019, it appears as an entry in the list of services in Services desktop application and it can be started with right-click > start.
  • Make sure that the Wazi Analyze image is loaded into the current Docker installation and that the Wazi Analyze container is created correctly.

    While Docker Windows service is running you can run the docker image ls command to see all the available images and the docker ps -a command to check all the installed containers, including the stopped/exited ones.

  • Make sure that the Wazi Analyze container ID and Name are correctly added into IBM AD Configuration Server.
    1. Start command prompt (cmd.exe) as an administrator in the environment where the IBM Wazi Analyze container is running.
    2. Execute the docker ps -a --format "{{.ID}}\t{{.Names}}" command to retrieve the ID and the name of the existing IBM Wazi Analyze container.
    3. Copy the IBM Wazi Analyze container ID and name.
    4. Access Start Menu > IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence > Launch IBM Application Discovery Configuration Service Admin, and go to Configure > Environments > "Your environment" > Servers and security > Wazi Analyze. The Wazi Analyze settings page is displayed.
    5. Paste the copied IBM Wazi Analyze container ID in the Container ID field and the copied IBM Wazi Analyze container name in the Container name field.
    6. Click Save.

Even if a Docker container is correctly created and configured it might fail to start if an existing port is already mapped in another container that is running or an existing mounting folder is already mounted in another container that is running. In case that the other container is not needed, you may try stopping the other container and start only the one that is configured for the AD Wazi Analyze Service in IBM AD Configuration Server.

If this error still occurs, after verifying all the above mentioned actions are correct, a debug log can be enabled by adding in the Windows Registry the string value WaziLogFileName at Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\IBM AD\ApplicationDiscovery\Settings registry location. Introduce in its value data the fully qualified file name of the debug log. This log can be inspected for further details on the error to help decide the appropriate subsequent action.