IAYAA0025E Failed to retrieve Wazi Analyze service connection information for the '%s' environment. Make sure that the connection to Wazi Analyze service is correctly configured for this environment.
Failed to retrieve Wazi Analyze service connection information, for the specified Environment.
System action
IBM® AD Build Client needs the Wazi Analyze service connection information in order to delete an AD Wazi Analyze Java™ project. A warning message about the cause of the error is displayed and the project deletion continues. The hypercube and output folders will be deleted together with its entry into IBM AD Configuration Server but not from the autoDB.txt file from the Wazi Analyze container, due to the connection failure to the Wazi Analyze container. The deletion process continues because some projects may have been already partially deleted, corrupted or created from old containers that do not exist anymore.
User response
Make sure that Wazi Analyze service is configured for this Environment in IBM AD Configuration Server.
- Start command prompt (cmd.exe) as an administrator in the environment where the IBM Wazi Analyze container is running.
- Execute the
docker ps -a --format "{{.ID}}\t{{.Names}}"
command to retrieve the ID and the name of the existing IBM Wazi Analyze container. - Copy the IBM Wazi Analyze container ID and name.
- Access Wazi Analyze settings page is displayed. , and go to . The
- Specify the directory path on your local machine where you store the Java projects to transfer into the Wazi Analyze container. This path needs to be mapped to /home/wazianalyze/data directory in the Wazi Analyze container.
- Paste the copied IBM Wazi Analyze container ID in the Container ID field and the copied IBM Wazi Analyze container name in the Container name field.
- Enter the authorization token value that you configured when starting Wazi Analyze server by using the wa-startup.sh
script. The token value may contain any combination of 5 to 15
alphanumeric characters and special symbols except equal sign "=", hyphen "-", or blank "
".Note: The authorization token is reset each time you start Wazi Analyze servers and you need to make sure that this configuration page is kept up to date with the latest authorization token value configured in Wazi Analyze.
- Click Save.