IAYAA0015ECould not find the configured Wazi Analyze Docker
container with ID '%s' in the current Docker installation. A Wazi Analyze Docker container must be created and its Name and ID
needs to be saved in IBM® AD
Configuration Server to create a Java™ project.
Could not find the configured Wazi Analyze
Docker container with a specified ID in the current Docker installation.
System action
IBM AD Build Client reads information about the
connection to Wazi Analyze service from IBM AD
Configuration Server, so if the Wazi Analyze Docker container ID is missing from IBM AD
Configuration Server, IBM AD Build Client cannot create a Java project.
User response
Make sure that the Docker service is running in Windows and that the Wazi Analyze Docker container is properly created in Docker and
that its name and ID are set in IBM AD
Configuration Server.
Start command prompt (cmd.exe) as an administrator in the environment where the IBM Wazi Analyze container is running.
Execute the docker ps -a --format "{{.ID}}\t{{.Names}}" command to
retrieve the ID and the name of the existing IBM Wazi Analyze
Copy the IBM Wazi Analyze container ID and name.
Access Start Menu > IBM Application Discovery and
Delivery Intelligence > Launch IBM Application Discovery Configuration Service
Admin, and go to Configure > Environments > "Your environment" > Servers and
security > Wazi Analyze. The Wazi
Analyze settings page is displayed.
Paste the copied IBM Wazi Analyze container ID in the
Container ID field and the copied IBM Wazi Analyze container name in the Container
name field.