Program Flow

The Program Flow shows the internal structure for a program. You can use this function to understand the flow of a program, including all referenced files, tables, screens, and other programs. For more information on how to create a Program Flow graph, see Creating a Program Flowchart.

The following entities are visible depending on the language:
  • Natural – Main, Subroutines, PERFORM, CALL, CALLNAT.

To display the Program Flow graph, in Application Discovery Browser perspective, from the Projects list in the central part of the Explore Projects view, select the project that contains the resource for which you want to generate a Program Flow graph. For details on perspectives and their components, see IBM® AD Analyze Client Reference.

In the Mainframe Graphs section, to the right of the Explore Projects view, double-click Program Flow to display the Program Flow wizard.

The Available Programs area displays the resources available for graph generation. To filter the available resources, click one of the buttons to the left of the list to display only certain types of resources. Place the cursor over an icon to display a tooltip about the type of resource it displays and click it to display only the selected type of resource. To display the full name of the resource type, click the white arrow button to the left of the dialog window. Use the Name field to filter the contents of the list. Use the arrow buttons to move the resources between the Available and Selected lists. Select a program from the available list then click Finish.

AD Graphs tab displays the generated graph. To navigate the graph, use the buttons in the graph toolbar. For details, see Graphical Analysis Toolbar. Paragraph names (COBOL) are shown as green rectangles to the left. Colored rectangles on the right represent external entities. The relationships between the paragraphs (for example, GoTo, Entry, Xctl) and external units (BMS map, programs) are denoted by color-coded edges or lines. For details on the meaning of the elements of the graph, use the Legend button. For details on the graph legend, see Showing the Graph Legend.

AD Graph Overview window presents an overview of the entire graph, which can be useful when you work with large graphs. For details, see AD Graph Overview Window.

AD Graph Inventory pane presents a list of all the elements in the graph. For details, see AD Graph Inventory View.

The Properties window displays the properties of the element that is selected from the graph. For details, see Properties View.

Use Export Graph and Print (from the Eclipse toolbar) to export the graph to a portable format or print it. For details, see the sections Exporting the Graph and Printing the Graph.

Program Flow graph toolbar

The Program Flow Graph toolbar has the following extra icons.

Table 1. Program flow graph toolbar
Button Description
Flow Chart

Flow Chart is a toggle option. When this icon is selected, IBM AD Analyze Client displays the flow chart for the resource for which the flow graph is shown.

Change to Resources layout

After you tried out different layouts for the Program Flow graph (hierarchical, symmetric, circular, or orthogonal) use this button to go back to the initial resources layout.

Program Flow element pop-up menu

Right-click on an element from the Program Flow to display the pop-up menu.

The options available in the pop-up menu depend on the type of element that is selected from the graph. Options available for all element types include Go to source, Show properties, and Filter.

The Filter options in the pop-up menu allow the user to toggle on/off different elements of the graph.

For details on the options available for all element types, see Graph element pop-up menu.