RTC to AD Integration Tool - RTC2AD

The RTC2AD integration tool is a Windows script, rtc2ad.bat, that makes calls to several functions provided by the EWM CLI program scm.exe. The IBM® tool is distributed with the EWM Eclipse client (and possibly with other products). The assumption is that every EWM user has access to this tool.

The script also calls two Java™™ JAR files, one to provide string parsing and tokenization, and the second to help with source type classification. Finally, a configuration file is used to customize the entire process.
  • com.ibm.dmh.scan.classify.jar - scans a file on the local file system and determine the source type.
  • com.ibm.rtc2ad.jar - performs utility functions like string manipulations that are too difficult or awkward to code in the Windows scripting language.
  • configuration text file - is a text file that provides all parameters that are needed to connect to the EWM jazz server. It decides which EWM streams to retrieve, how to classify the files contained in them, and where to store them in the AD project subfolders.

Since a version of scm.exe is available for UNIX and Linux®, it is possible to adapt this tool to run on these platforms as well.

This image shows the architecture that scm.exe is adapted.