
Important: As of version 7.0, IBM Rational® Team Concert® (RTC) has been renamed to IBM® Engineering Workflow Management (EWM). RTC to AD Integration Tool (RTC2AD) has not been renamed and it is used even if EWM is installed.

A growing need exists to provide to IBM Application Discovery for IBM Z® (IBM AD) users a way to import source files from their EWM source repository into the appropriate AD project sub folders.

Below left, for example, is an EWM source repository that is on a remote Jazz® team server. Below right, is a set of sub folders from a sample AD project. The minimum requirement is to allow the AD user to connect to the EWM repository, select some or all of the source files, classify them based on source type, and finally copy them into the correct AD subfolder.
This image shows an example of creating subfolders based on source types.

The RTC to AD Integration Tool (RTC2AD) provides a solution to this requirement. It gives an overview of EWM source management as it applies to z/OS®, and how this tool functions to integrate it with AD source analysis.