Installing IBM AD Connect for Mainframe

Note: Starting with IBM® ADDI 6.1.1, IBM AD Connect for Mainframe and Build Client provide pass phrase support and there is no compatibility with earlier versions of the product. It is necessary to install or update to the latest version of IBM AD Connect for Mainframe and Build Client.
IBM AD Connect for Mainframe is distributed in SMP/E format. To install the latest version, perform the following steps:
  1. Follow the instructions found in the Installing IBM Application Discovery Connect for Mainframe chapter from the Program Directory document. It is a PDF included as part of the zipped installation package.
  2. After installing via SMP/E, copy the load modules contained in the SMP/E *.SIAYAUTH library into the authorized load library from which the listener started task will run.
  3. Copy the IAYLSTNR member from *.SIAYSAMP library into the procedure library from which you will run the listener started task. The listener PROC name for the started task could be any name that fits your site’s naming conventions.
For more information regarding the installation process, see the Installing IBM Application Discovery Connect for Mainframe chapter from the Program Directory for IBM Application Discovery Connect for Mainframe document on IBM ADDI Library page.
Note: The Program Directory for IBM Application Discovery Connect for Mainframe document it is also provided in .PDF format and it is included in the zipped installation package.
After IBM Application Discovery Connect for Mainframe has been installed, please perform the following configuration steps, which apply to all versions:
  1. Configure the listener PROC as detailed in Configuring the Listener PROC.
  2. Configure the needed JCLs as detailed below (as needed).
  3. Define a User Id in RACF® (with the correct authorizations) for the listener started task.
  4. If Db2® access is needed, submit the IAYDB2BD (formerly EZLDB2BD) job. Remember that this is a sample job that has to be modified according to your site standards.
  5. Create IBM AD Parm Library if needed (will contain the components sample jobs).
  6. If ChangeMan ZMF is needed, add the XMLREQJB job to the Parm library and modify it according to your site standards.
  7. If Adabas is needed add the IAYNATDB job (formerly NATDBJOB) to the Parm library and modify it according to your site standards.
  8. If Natural is needed, add the IAYNATLB job (formerly NATLBJOB ) and IAYNATMM job (formerly NATMMJOB) to the Parm library and modify it according to your site standards.
  9. Start the listener started task. Make sure that all required libraries defined in the STEPLIB (or otherwise defined in the linklist, etc.) are APF authorized, as this is required to ensure the integrity of program call chains. Also, ensure that the user id assigned to the started task has the correct authorizations.

Files included in the IBM AD Connect for Mainframe distribution

The following files are included:
  • IBM.HALT613.SMPMCS.BIN – a compressed SMP/E MCS file, which acts as an inventory for all the software objects included in the SMP/E distribution.

  • IBM.HALT613.F1.BIN – a compressed SMP/E REL file, containing all the load modules for IBM AD Connect for Mainframe.

  • IBM.HALT613.F2.BIN - a compressed SMP/E REL file, containing all the Db2 DBRM members. These are required only if IBM AD Connect for Mainframe must connect to Db2 to retrieve application data.

  • IBM.HALT613.F3.BIN – a compressed SMP/E REL file, containing all the sample JCL and PROCS needed to run IBM AD Connect for Mainframe. For a list of the samples, see Sample JCL and PROCS for IBM AD Connect for Mainframe.

  • IBM.HALT613.F4.BIN – a compressed SMP/E REL file, containing compiled REXX modules for the optional REXX integration feature.