Using an exported CSD report

When a CICS® administrator wants to use an exported CSD report, a CICS utility, called DFHCSDUP, is used to extract information out of CSD. The result is a report that is generated by the LIST command of the DFHCSDUP utility.

The CICS administrator needs to carefully decide which parameters are used when the DFHCSDUP utility is invoked. The format is as follows:
         +-Group--(--groupname--)-+  +-Objects-+   
         '-LIst--(--listname--)---'  '-Sigsumm-'   

In some cases, a CICS application uses a specific LIST. It is recommended to have a single application in a specific project and to use the appropriate list name when you run the utility. For example, LIST LIST(listname) is preferred instead of LIST ALL OBJECTS.

When the user specifies LIST ALL, the CSD report is parsed to save all the lists in the repository. In this case conflicts can occur. For more information, see Conflict resolutions.

The report is added to an AD project as a CSD type of file. The build process parses the file and stores the information in the MFCICS tables.

CSD report parser

The CSD report parser collects the following information:
  • CICS region name.

    When an exported CSD report is used to obtain CSD information, the CICS region name represents the name of the report file. The region name is specified in the CICSName column of the MFCICSInfo table.

  • The list of the CICS LIST components.
  • The list of the CICS GROUP components and their relationship to the parent LIST.
  • The list of the following CICS items:
    • Files
    • Map sets
    • Programs
    • Transactions
  • If a group is not related to any list, it means that the group is not included in the group lists, specified by theCICS system initialization parameter GRPLIST, that CICS installs at cold start. This Orphan Group is excluded from the parsing and the resources contained by this group are not saved in the repository.
  • The parser saves the first mapping relation encountered and ignores the others, when transaction is mapped to multiple programs.
After parsing the CSD report, the following information is used in IBM® AD Analyze:
  • The mapping between transaction and programs. The values are stored in the MFCICSTransaction table.
    Important: Only programs referred (that exists or are used) in the current IBM AD Build Client project are taken into account, in the mapping relation.
    The mapping is used/visible in analysis like:
    • Program/Transaction Callgraph
    • Program Flow
    • Backward/Forward Call Chains reports
    • Explore project as CICS Transaction, Resource Type
  • The mapping between CICS files and their related dataset names, similar as dataset mapping in batch applications. The values are stored in the MFCICSFile table.
    Important: Only files used in existing programs in the current IBM AD Build Clientproject are taken into account, in the mapping relation.

    The mapping is used/visible in analysis like:

    • Dataset Record Structure report
    • Dataset Usage in Programs
    • Explore project as dataset, Resource Type