Installing the z/OS Debugger SVCs
z/OS® Debugger requires
the installation of the z/OS Debugger SVC programs
and EQA01SVC(IGX00051)
is a type 3 SVC with a reserved number of 145 (x'91').EQA01SVC
is a type 3 using SVC number 109 (X'6D') with function code 51.
The z/OS Debugger SVCs are compatible with z/OS Debugger Version 14 and 15 (Program Number 5724-T07), Debug Tool Version 13 Release 1 (Program Number 5655-Q10), and Version 12 Release 1 (Program Number 5655-W70).
The z/OS Debugger SVCs support the Dynamic Debug facility and other necessary z/OS Debugger functions.
To install the SVCs, do the following steps on each of the LPARs that z/OS Debugger will be used on:
- For a new installation, complete both step
a (for using the debugger after the next IPL) and step b (for immediate usage of the new debugger). For a service update (a PTF installation),
the work that was done in step a in the first
installation will pick up the new service at the next IPL, and doing step b will provide the new service immediately to the
- Install the SVCs through a system IPL. The SMP/E APPLY
operation, which you run when you install z/OS Debugger or apply a PTF, updates the library
with the SVCs. To placehlq.SEQALPA
in the LPA list, add it to an LPALSTxx member of parmlib that is used for IPL. If you have earlier releases of z/OS Debugger installed at your site, remove any other SEQALPA data sets. The next time you IPL your system, the SVCs are automatically installed.Check the other data sets in LPA list for old copies of these members. If you find them, remove them.1
- IGC0014E (ALIAS of EQA00SVC)
- IGX00051 (ALIAS of EQA01SVC)
These members might have been placed there by previous installations of z/OS Debugger.
- Install the SVCs without a system IPL for immediate usage
(dynamic installation). The SMP/E APPLY operation, which you run when you install z/OS Debugger or apply a PTF, updates the library
with the SVCs and the dynamic SVC installer.- Mark the
data set as APF-authorized. This data set contains SVC installation programs; therefore, access to it must be limited to system programmers. - Update both places in the SVC dynamic install job
(shipped as a member of the data sethlq.SEQASAMP
) with the fully qualified name for the z/OS Debuggerhlq.SEQAAUTH
data set. Eye-catchers (<<<<<) in the job highlight the statements that require changing. You might also need to update the job card. - Submit the job. The job installs both SVCs. After the job is completed, verify that the return code is 00 (RC=00).
- Mark the
- Install the SVCs through a system IPL. The SMP/E APPLY
operation, which you run when you install z/OS Debugger or apply a PTF, updates the library
- If your users need to use the Dynamic Debug facility to debug programs that are loaded into protected storage (located in subpool 251 or 252), follow the instructions in Using the Authorized Debug facility for protected programs.
1 You can either browse each data set in LPA list directly or refer to
Finding out what dataset a module resides in.
2 To APF-authorize a data set, add an APF ADD statement for the data set to a
PROGxx member of parmlib that is used for IPL. To immediately APF-authorize the data set, use
MVS™ command.