Advanced Java Call Graph

Advanced Java™ Call Graph shows the dependencies between mainframe calls and Java resources. You can use this function to perform analysis of Java applications and its relationships between mainframe and non-mainframe applications.


To display the Advanced Java Call Graph, in IBM® AD Analyze Client, make sure that the following prerequisites are met:

Advanced Java Call Graph

The Java Call Graph presents the chain of possible calls at runtime in Java. The nodes in the graph represent the project components, while the edges (arrows) represent relationships between the components. You can double-click a node or edge to view the source code from the node or edge in Java Call Graph.
Note: The source code view cannot be triggered for nodes or edges representing third-party classes or methods.

To display the Java Call Graph, in Application Discovery Browser perspective, from the Projects list in the central part of the Explore Projects view, select the Java project for which you want to generate a Java call graph. For details on perspectives and their components, see IBM AD Analyze Client Reference.

In the Java Graphs section, to the right of the Explore Projects view, double-click Java Call Graph to display the Java Call Graph Analysis Wizard.

On the Java Call Graph Analysis Wizard page that is displayed enter the following information:
  • Package - expects the name of a package that is present in the project. The value can be a string or the special character "*". You can also choose the package from the drop-down list.
    Note: The drop down list is sorted such that the resources coming from source are displayed on top of the list, followed by resources coming from outside of the source. The resource entries could also be distinguished by looking at the prefix (source) or (library) where (source) represents the resource is within the source whereas (library) represents the resource is coming from outside the source.
  • Class name - expects the name of a class that exists in the project. The value can be a string or the special character "*". You can also choose the class name from the drop-down list.
    Note: If a class name was entered make sure that the class belongs to the specified package.
  • Method name - expects the name of a method that exists in the class. The value can be a string or the special character "*". You can also choose the method name from the drop-down list.
    Note: If a method name was entered make sure that the method belongs to the specified class.
  • Graph depth - set the graph analysis depth.
Once all the necessary information has been added click Finish.

AD Graphs tab displays the generated graph. To navigate the graph use buttons in the graph toolbar. For details, see Graphical Analysis Toolbar. To show details on the meaning of the elements of the graph use the Legend button. For details on the graph legend, see Showing the Graph Legend.

AD Graph Overview window presents an overview of the entire graph, which can be useful when you work with large graphs. For details, see AD Graph Overview Window.

AD Graph Inventory pane presents a list of all the elements in the graph. For details, see AD Graph Inventory View.

Use Export Graph and Print (from the Eclipse toolbar) to export the graph to a portable format or print it. For details, see the sections Exporting the Graph and Printing the Graph.