Creating a project with a Db2® for LUW (Linux®, UNIX, and Windows) database

About this task

IBM® AD Build projects correspond to independent applications. An IBM AD Build project can contain references to all application source files or to part of them. The source files are organized into folders that are category lists for the different kinds of files that make up the project/application. For example, program (such as COBOL) source, copy, and BMS files are listed in the project’s Program, Copy, and BMS folders. Standard folders are defined and included in the project by default. However, you can define new folders if necessary.

Creating an IBM AD Build project creates a project folder on the computer or on a network drive. You can specify the location for this folder.

To create a new project, follow these steps.


  1. Select File > New > New Project. The New Project window appears.

Note: The options available in the New Project window depend on the version of the purchased application.

  1. Enter the name of the new project in the Project Name field.
  2. The Path field displays the default projects path. To select a different path, click Browse and select an alternative location.
  3. The Environment, Project Languages, DB Types, and Map Types sections present the default options.
  4. From the Project DB Type list, select IBM DB2 LUW.
  5. Select an environment from the CCS Environment list. The environment options are defined in IBM AD Configuration Service.
  6. Select a server from the Server Name list. The options are associated to the selected environment that is defined in IBM AD Configuration Service.
  7. You must specify a database name in the DB Name field. The name must follow the general Db2 object naming rules. If this database has been created by using the DB2LUW_CreateDatabase.sql or DB2LUW_CreateObjects.sql DDL script, select the Attach to database check box. Otherwise, do not select the check box; when creating the project, a new database will be created with the specified name. The DDL scripts can be found in <IBMADBuildClient_installation_path>\bin\release\DBScripts\. For more information, see topic Creating Db2 Database Using DDL Script.
  8. Click Next. The Project Folders dialog box appears for selecting and defining project folders. This screen presents different folder names, depending on the environment selected.
    This image shows the Project Folders dialog box.
  9. To accept the default folders without entering the Project Folders screen at all, click Finish instead of Next.
  10. Select folders by moving them from the All Folders to the Selected Folder lists, by using >, or clear them using <. Default All Folders and Selected Folder lists are provided. The content of these lists depends on the project type that is selected in the previous step. For an existing project, you can select Project > New Folder to open a dialog box for adding more folders.
  11. Click Finish. The new project is created and displayed as a tree in the Project pane (left side of the window).