Before you can install and use Z Code Optimization Advice, ensure all prerequisites are met.
Local host requirements
- Microsoft Visual Studio Code, version 1.86.0 or above
- 2.3+
- Zowe™ Explorer VS Code extension, version 3.0.0 or above
- IBM Z Open Editor extension, version 5.0.0 or above
- 2.1+
- Zowe Explorer VS Codeextension, version 2.16.0 or above
- IBM Z Open Editorextension, version 4.3.0 or above
- Zowe CLI 7.24.1 or above
- Windows 10 or above, or MacOSX
User authorization
Users must be authorized to be able to submit JCL using TSO/E commands. For information on how to enroll users to TSO/E, refer to Overview of enrolling users through the Information Center Facility. For information on authorization settings in TSO/E, refer to TSO/E authorization information.
z/OS host requirements
- IBM z/OS 2.4 or above
- IBM Z server 14 or above
Installations of the z/OS host package can also be made on emulated environments through a zPDT or zD&T machine, however, performance measurements and problem priority may be inaccurate compared to profiling on IBM Z hardware.
Code page configuration
Connecting your Zowe profile with z/OS
To make use of Zowe to open and edit files directly from z/OS MVS or USS, you need the Zowe client software and either IBM RSE API or z/OSMF configured. For more information, refer to Installing Zowe CLI and VS Code Extension for Zowe. Once installed, follow the instructions at Interacting with z/OS to create a Zowe CLI team configuration file so that data sets can be found and accessed.