Configuring by using IBM AD Configuration Service
After the installation and configuration of IBM® AD, you can use IBM AD Configuration Service to easily perform advanced configurations on the Application Discovery servers, databases, and components, without being necessary to manually update the configuration files. To access IBM AD Configuration Service, go to .
IBM AD Configuration Server ensures that the installation parameters are consistent throughout the different components of IBM AD by storing them in a central location, in a scalable and fail-safe manner .
IBM AD Configuration Server also allows the system administrator to coordinate the access to the resources by creating workspaces and user groups.
When dealing with a suite of applications that work together over a network, a problem that arises often is how to identify applications that belong to separate installations. Simply deploying every parallel installation to separate networks is not always possible, therefore, the applications belonging to the same installation must be able to locate each other and the accessible resources without interfering with applications from other installations. In IBM AD Configuration Server, such an installation is called "environment". One IBM AD Configuration Server instance can manage one or several environments.
A workspace is a collection of projects to which the administrator can grant access to the users of IBM AD. Within an environment, the administrator can create several workspaces. A workspace can contain several related projects, as, for example, when one needs to generate a cross analysis against several projects, one can group these projects in a workspace.
User groups can be defined in IBM AD Configuration Server. The administrator can then grant access rights to a specific workspace for a group of users. User groups can be populated by adding individual users or by importing user lists.
Users can be either added individually or imported from user lists.
- By default, IBM AD
Configuration Server cannot be opened
and used from another machine. To remotely access IBM AD
Configuration Server go to <IBM ADDI Installation
Folder>/IBM AD Web Services/wlp/usr/servers/ad_server/conf.audit/ and
change the value of the
parameter to true.
- By default, IBM AD Configuration Server is using http transfer protocol and thus enabling remote access to IBM AD Configuration Server it could expose the information over the network.
The IBM AD Configuration Server is now multi-language ready. Once you open its web interface, you can select the language menu from the top right corner and choose one of the available languages. The entire application will be displayed in the selected language.