Monitoring the Statuses of Components and Projects

On the Monitor page, you can monitor not only the status of IBM® AD components but also the running status of projects.

To access the Monitor page, select Start Menu > IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence > Launch IBM Application Discovery Configuration Service Admin, and click the Monitor tab on the header. The Monitor page is displayed with the following tabs.

  • Components tab
    By default, you are on the Components tab that lists the AD components and shows the relationship between the components through a graphical representation. The following three kinds of components are listed:
    • Server: Configuration Server, Batch Server, Graph Database Server, and Authentication Service
    • Client: Build Client, Analyze Client, and Web Client
    • Service: Mainframe Projects Service, Web Service, Catalog Service, Manual Resolutions Service, Search Service, Cross Application Service, File Service, Validation Service, and Audit Service
    You can click Export All Logs to export the logs of the listed components at once as a .zip file.

    For those components that are managed by the Service Manager, you can monitor their statuses directly through the status indicators, that is, Online, Offline, or Unavailable. In addition, you are provided with options to further work with the components based on your needs. Click the overflow menu (vertical ellipsis) icon on each component card, you can find the following action options from the drop-down menu: Stop Service, Restart Service, View Logs, Copy Log Folder Path, and Edit Configuration.

  • Projects tab
    You can create a project and build it from the Build Client. Then, go to this Projects tab to see the summary about what is happening in the backend. When the project status is shown as Ready for Analysis, you can start working on the project with Analysis Client.
    Table 1. Project status data
    Data Description
    Name The Name shows the project name.
    Status The Status shows the actual status of the project. The available values of the status can be New, In progress, Ready for analysis, Ready for analysis, partial errors, or Fail.
    This status indicates that it is a newly created project.
    In progress
    This status indicates that something is running in the backend, and you must wait until it completes.
    Ready for Analysis
    This status indicates that the project is ready for analysis.
    Ready for analysis, partial errors
    This status indicates that the project is ready for analysis, but one or more Batch Server jobs has finished with errors. For more information, go to the Audit > Events page or check the Batch Server logs as described in Checking the log files of components.
    This status indicates that something went wrong, and you need to diagnose and fix the problem. For more information, go to the Audit > Events page or check the Build Client logs as described in Checking the log files of components.
    Build progress The Build progress shows the build status of the project for the build component that includes the following parts.
    Build type
    The Build type shows what type of the build operation that is being performed, Build, Make, or Synchronize members.
    Build progress
    The Build progress shows the actual progress of the current build operation. If the part of the build is complete, the actual progress is shown as 100%, and the partial analysis will be available in the Analyze client. Then, after a new build is started later, the progress is reset to 0%.
    Build duration
    The Build duration shows how long the build operation has been running. It will show that the total build duration after the build progress reaches 100%. Then, after a new build is started later, the progress is reset to 0%.
    Last build duration The Last build duration shows the duration of the build that was performed.
    • If it is a new project that is build for the first time, the column is empty.
    • If it is the second build or all consecutive builds, the duration will be taken from the Build progress column before that column is reset to 0.
    Batch progress

    The Batch progress shows the progress of the batch server tasks, that is, the tasks that have completed out of the total number of tasks to be executed, and how long has this been running. The Batch progress is the secondary stage of the overall project build that accumulates more project data for extra reports.

    The stage is ignored for Synchronize members and Make build type on a project with no files changed since the last build. The performed tasks can be configured from Configuring IBM AD Batch Server Service.

    After the stage is complete, the Status column will be changed to be Ready for analysis, which means all tasks completed successfully. Or, the Status column will be changed to be Ready for analysis, partial failures , which means at least one task is failed to complete. The details of what tasks were performed can be seen on the Audit tab.

    Last batch duration The Last batch duration shows the duration of the last batch build that was performed.
    • If it is a new project that is build for the first time, the column is empty.
    • If it is the second build or all consecutive builds, the duration will be taken from the Batch progress column before that column is reset to 0.