IBM AD Web Services Prerequisites

Before you install and configure IBM® AD Catalog and IBM AD Audit, make sure that the following steps are performed:
  • Any of the following Java™ Runtime Environments is installed:
    • 64-bit AdoptOpenJDK 8/11/13 HotSpot
    • 64-bit Java 8/11 Oracle
    • 64-bit Java 8 IBM
    For more information, see Java Requirements.
  • Any of the following database servers is installed and configured:
  • 9080 and 9443 are the default ports that are used by the IBM Application Discovery WebSphere® Liberty Profile Service. Make sure that both ports are open, unused, and not blocked by your firewall. If the default ports are not available, you can check the troubleshooting tips at the end of this topic.

  • Starting with IBM AD V5.1.0.7, you don't need to perform the pre-configurations of IBM WAS Liberty Web Server and the pre-configurations of SQL database for IBM AD Audit. Audit database is created automatically for Microsoft SQL Server users.

  • If you use Db2 for LUW (Linux, UNIX, and Windows) you must manually create the Catalog database. To create the Catalog database you can use the Db2 database client or you can start the Db2 command window and execute the following clause:
    db2 create database CATDB using codeset UTF-8 territory en PAGESIZE 16384
    Note: Once the Catalog database has been created make sure to configure the Catalog Service to run on Db2 for LUW with TLS. For more information see, Configuring the Catalog Service to run on Db2 for LUW.
  • An SQL database needs to be manually created by your database administrator for IBM AD Catalog.
    • The name of this database must match the name of the database that will be added in the server.xml configuration file, during the configuration process of IBM AD Catalog. For more information, see Configuring the Catalog Service.
    • The database user that is used in the server.xml configuration file and connects to the Catalog database needs to have the db_owner database role membership.
    How to set up manually the Catalog database
    1. Start SQL Server Management Studio.
    2. Log in by using the username and password for the IBM AD SQL Identity, as defined in Microsoft SQL Server Configurations.
    3. Right-click Databases and choose New Database.
    4. Enter the Catalog database name, for example: catalog_db and press OK.
    5. As a result the catalog_db database is created.
      Important: The Catalog database will be automatically populated when Data Collector starts for the first time.

For Data collector the version of the target z/OS® Connect server must be 3.0.2 or higher.

Troubleshooting tips: Changing the default ports for IBM Application Discovery WebSphere Liberty Profile Service

IBM Application Discovery WebSphere Liberty Profile Service uses 9080 and 9443 as the default ports. If the default ports are not available, then determine the ports that are available and that you would like to assign to IBM Application Discovery WebSphere Liberty Profile Service. When the ports are determined, complete the following steps to update the default ports for IBM Application Discovery WebSphere Liberty Profile Service.
  1. Install IBM ADDI as described in Installing components with the IBM ADDI Installer. By default, for clean installations, the installer will open the IBM AD Configuration Wizard in the system's default browser. But since the default ports for IBM Application Discovery WebSphere Liberty Profile Service are not available, it wouldn't start correctly and the IBM AD Configuration Wizard would report an error similar to This page cannot be displayed or Unable to connect or This site can’t be reached depending on system's default browser.
  2. To confirm if it's a port conflict issue, open the console.log file under the <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>/IBM AD Web Services/wlp/usr/servers/ad_server/log/ directory, and check if you notice error messages that are similar to the following example:
    [ERROR   ] CWWKO0221E: TCP Channel defaultHttpEndpoint initialization did not succeed.  The socket bind did not succeed for host * and port 9080.  The port might already be in use.  Exception Message: Address already in use: bind
    [ERROR   ] CWWKO0221E: TCP Channel defaultHttpEndpoint-ssl initialization did not succeed.  The socket bind did not succeed for host * and port 9443.  The port might already be in use.  Exception Message: Address already in use: bind
  3. When the port conflict issue is confirmed, stop the IBM Application Discovery WebSphere Liberty Profile Service. The service can be stopped from Windows Services (services.msc) by locating IBM Application Discovery WebSphere Liberty Profile Service and clicking Stop.
  4. Open the server.xml file and update the httpPort and httpsPort properties in the following section.
    <httpEndpoint httpPort="9080" httpsPort="9443" id="defaultHttpEndpoint" host="*" />
    <httpEndpoint httpPort="<new http port>" httpsPort="<new https port>" id="defaultHttpEndpoint" host="*" />
    The <new http port> and <new https port> in the example represents the new port numbers that you want to use.
  5. Save the server.xml file with your changes.
  6. Restart the IBM Application Discovery WebSphere Liberty Profile Service. The service can be started from Windows Services (services.msc) by locating IBM Application Discovery WebSphere Liberty Profile Service and clicking Start.
  7. Wait for the IBM Application Discovery WebSphere Liberty Profile Service and Audit application to start successfully.
  8. Open the browser and visit the IBM AD Configuration Wizard at http://<host or ip address>:<new http port>/ad-audit/setup. For example, if you want to use localhost as the host address and 9090 as the httpPort, then you can access the IBM AD Configuration Wizard at http://localhost:9090/ad-audit/setup.