Configuring the zOS Connection
About this task
- By downloading from mainframe (Endevor)
- Otherwise provided. These sources can only be viewed if they are shared over the network. Read only access is required.
- Goto IBM® Application
Discovery Build Configuration, Projects tab and select the project then
the corresponding zOS node, then right-click to display the menu. Select Configure
connection to display the following window.
- Complete the settings or the names of the libraries that contain the resources you want, according to the type of resource you need to import.
- To add a library, enter its name in the corresponding field, then click Add. The name of the new library is displayed in the library list. Use the Update, Edit, and Remove to modify the list of libraries or the name of an existing library.
- Next, select the ControlM tab to enter
the Control-M connection details. Note: As a prerequisite it is necessary to have installed the Control-M Enterprise Manager product.Fill the available fields with the required data and then click Add. The Control-M folders are displayed in the central part of the screen.
- ControlM Endpoint - expects the entire link to the Control-M REST API. It includes
the Control-M hostname, port, and the automation-api
Example: https://CMserverName:8443/automation-api
Note: For a successful connection to the ControlM Endpoint, it is necessary to import the rootCA.crt certificate from Control-M Enterprise Manager in Trusted Root Certification Authorities on the same machine where IBM AD Build Configuration is installed.- Go to Start > Run > certlm.msc.
- Right-click on the Trusted Root Certification Authorities, go to All Tasks and select the Import... button.
- Follow the steps that are present in the Certificate Import Wizard.
- User name - expects the username that is used to login in Control-M Enterprise Manager.
- Password - expects the password of the username that is used to access Control-M Enterprise Manager.
- ControlM instance - expects the name of the instance for which you want to retrieve the jobs.
- ControlM folder - expects the name of the folder for which you want to retrieve the
jobs.Note: If you don't add any ControlM folder all jobs are retrieved from the mentioned instance.
In the ControlM tab the following actions can be performed:- To edit the name of a Control-M folder, select it and then click Edit. Make the changes then click Update.
- To remove a Control-M folder from the list, select it then click Remove.
- ControlM Endpoint - expects the entire link to the Control-M REST API. It includes
the Control-M hostname, port, and the automation-api
- Next, select the CICS information
tab to enter the CICS® information library details. Note: Only one CICS information library can be listed.
- To add a CICS information library, enter the details in the corresponding fields then click Add. The new library is displayed in the central part of the screen.
- To edit the details of the existing library, select it from the list and click Edit. The corresponding details are displayed. Make the changes then click Update.
- To remove the library, select it then click Remove.
- Next, select the ENDEVOR Info tab to display it as in the
following image: Fill the available fields with the required data then click Add. The parameters file is added to the list in the central part of the tab.
- To edit the details of an entry, select it and then click Edit. The corresponding details are displayed. Make the changes then click Update.
- To remove a parameters file from the list, select it then click Remove.
Configurations for the ENDEVOR Info tab:- Endevor ParametersEach entry in the list has four parameters. These parameters represent a state for which IBM AD collects sources. Whenever IBM AD looks for a member on Endevor for an entry in the list, the member is searched in the starting location according to these four parameters, and if not found, it continues to move forward on the promotion route by looking for the member until no forward movement can be done on the route. The four parameters are:
- Environment
Represents the functional area within an organization, for example: development, test, or production. There can be as many environments as needed within Endevor.
- Stage
Represents the stage of the software lifecycle and it is always associated with an environment that can have either 1 or 2 stages. Each stage has an ID that identifies whether it is the first or the second stage in the environment. It means that the ID is either 1 or 2 and it is unique only within the related environment.
- System
The user must define a system to each environment in which it is planned to be used. An additional usage is to define more than one system name to a mainframe application. It means that two systems can describe the same application in different environments and stages.
- Subsystem
This is a subcomponent of a system. A system must have a minimum of one subsystem. The subsystem name for a mainframe application or component can be changed across environments and stages.
- Environment
- Promotion routes
The Promotion routes can be defined by using a configuration file. The Promotion routes file is optional, and if omitted then IBM AD does not trace the members forward on the promotion routes. A route represents a collection of maps, where a map is an indication of the current Environment + Stage + System + Subsystem, and the next Environment + Stage + System + Subsystem.
The format of the configuration file is:[<From Environment>,<From Stage>,<From System>,<From Subsystem>]:[<To Environment>,<To Stage>,<To System>,<To Subsystem>]
From the Promotion routes field, click Browse and select the <PromotionRoutes> configuration file that contains the promotion routes. Make sure that you have access to the location where the <PromotionRoutes> configuration file is stored.
- Types list
The Types list points to the file from which IBM AD reads all required types for the project. These types are categories of source code (COBOL, COPYBOOK, JCL, and so on). Types are defined to each system/stage in which the user plans to use them.
The format of the types list file is:Type1,Type2,Type3, and so on
Examples of the types list file:COBOL,JCL,COPYBOOK
From the Types list field, click Browse and select the <TypesList> file that contains all Endevor supported file types that can be imported into the project. Make sure that you have access to the location where the <TypesList> file is stored.
A sample file is available at the following location: <IBM AD Build Client installation folder>\Bin\Release\Samples\Endevor_Download\EndevorTypesList.txt.
- Next, select the DB2 and MQ tab to display it as in the following image: Enter the corresponding DB2 and MQ subsystem names in the associated fields.
When configuring DB2 on IBM AD Build Client, there are associated configurations that must be performed on the mainframe. For more information, see Db2® Checklist in Appendix 5.
- Next, select the Natural and Adabas tab to
display it as in the following image. Complete the required settings information for the Natural and Adabas libraries. Use the prior procedure to add, edit, update, and remove libraries.
- Next, select the IMS Information tab to display it as
in the following image: Important: IBM AD Connect for Mainframe retrieves IMS operational information by using the IMS Open Database Access (ODBA) callable interface. To make a connection to IMS, IMS ODBA must be configured to use resource recovery services (Complete the fields to retrieve IMS information:
).IMS ODBA is a separate product from IMS Open Database Manager (ODBM), although the two products might co-exist in an IMS environment.
- Subsystem
- The four-character name of the IMS subsystem, for example, IVP1. This name can be obtained from the job log of the IMS control region in SDSF on the mainframe. If you do not know the name of the IMS control region, ask your IMS system programmer. The name is also printed at the far right of every line in the IMS started task job log.
- IMS subsystem
- The fourth to seventh characters of the IMS ODBA startup table name. The ODBA startup table
resides in the IMS RESLIB and is usually named DFSxxxx0, where
xxxx is the IMS subsystem name from the previous Subsystem
field. However, double check with your IMS system programmer because the table does not have to
follow this convention. xxxx might be set to something else at your site.
Whatever the name of the table, when configuring IBM AD, enter only the four corresponding characters represented here by xxxx.For this example, the ODBA startup table name is DFSIVP10, and xxxx is identical to the subsystem name entered in the Subsystem field: IVP1.
For more information about the ODBA startup table, go to the IMS documentation.
- PSB Name
- The PSB name. The PSB name is application-dependent, so knowledge of the application that is
analyzed is needed. If the application uses multiple PSBs, select only one for this field.
You can set this field to any PSB name that exists on the IMS system, and then a complete list of all the IMS databases, transactions, and program names that are defined to this particular IMS system can be retrieved.
- Select the Librarian tab to display
it as in the following image: Add the names of the required libraries and use Add, Edit, Update, and Remove to manage these libraries.
- Select the ChangeMan ZMF tab to display it as in the following
image: Complete the name of the IBM ParmLib library and then enter the number of the ChangeMan ZMF Subsystem.In the ChangeMan ZMF Applications field, click
to add an application name to the list. Click
to remove the selected application from the list. Use
to change the position of the selected application in the applications list.
Note: If no ChangeMan ZMF Applications are mentioned, the members are scanned/retrieved only from packages.When configuring ChangeMan ZMF on IBM AD Build Client, there are associated configurations that must be performed on the mainframe. For more information, see ChangeMan® ZMF Checklist in Appendix 5.
- Select the Tivoli Workload Scheduler tab
to display it as in the following image: Complete the Subsystem name of the TWS controller. After you finish, click Save.
- Select the CA-7 Workload Automation tab to display it as in the
following image. Select a retrieval mode, and specify values in the
fields. If the settings in the CA-7 Workload Automation pane are changed, run a full import, instead of an update, to assure the consistency of the information in the repository with the one from the mainframe.
- Library name
- The name of the library where the INIT deck is located.
- Member name
- The name of the INIT deck member that lists all the libraries, in which CA-7 must look for to
find and submit jobs.In the CA-7 documentation, the INIT deck is sometimes referred to as the CA-7 Initialization file. To find this library (PDS) and member combination for your system, refer to the JCL for the CA7ONL procedure at your site. It is referenced in this JCL by DD name UCC7IN.Note: If you do not have access to this JCL, ask your CA-7 administrator for the information.
- In memory
- The default retrieval mode. It uses CA Common Communications Interface (CAICCI) to get job information. The results are retrieved directly from CA-7 into the memory address space of the agents and transferred back to IBM AD Build.
- Via dataset
- The alternative retrieval mode. It uses Batch Terminal Interface (BTI) to get job information. The results are delivered by CA-7 into a data set. Then the agents read the data and transfer it back to IBM AD Build.
- Instance name
- The CA-7 instance name.
- User name
- The name of the user under which the agents are running.
- Library name
- The name of the library that contains the AD skeleton. This library is a member that is delivered as part of the installation if the CA-7 access through BTI is required.
- Skeleton name
- The name of the AD skeleton that is used for accessing CA-7 through BTI. This skeleton is
submitted by the agents. The job uses the BTI interface to get the information back to the data
- This field is available only if the Via dataset retrieve mode is selected.
- The value in this field is used when Full CA-7 import is selected when you retrieve operational information.
- Job name prefixes
- The name prefixes of the jobs to be retrieved. Separate multiple job name prefixes by commas. If
this value is not specified, all the jobs with a name that starts with any of the following
characters are to be retrieved:A-Z # @ £Note: This field is available only if the In memory retrieve mode is selected.
- Skeleton name for update
- The name of the AD skeleton that is used for accessing CA-7 through BTI. This skeleton is
submitted by the agents. The job uses the BTI interface to get the information back to the data
set.Note: The value in this field is used when Update CA-7 information with the differences since the last import is selected when you retrieve operational information.