AD Services
Back up the configuration files for the following IBM®
AD Services as follows:
- Authentication Server (DEX)
Back up the dex.yaml file that is stored in the <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>/Authentication Server (DEX)/conf/ folder.
- IBM AD File
Back up the conf.yaml file that is stored in the <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>/IBM Application Discovery File Service/conf/ folder.
- IBM AD Search
Back up the conf.yaml file that is stored in the <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>/IBM Application Discovery Search Service/conf/ folder.
- IBM AD Manual
Resolution Service
- Back up the conf.yaml file that is stored in the <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>/IBM Application Discovery Manual Resolutions Service/conf/ folder.
- Back up the folder where the journals were created by following the same path that is set in the conf.yaml, both the default path and the overridden path. The values of the projectPath parameter and the projects section present in the conf.yaml need to be taken into consideration.
- IBM ADMainframe Project Service
Back up the conf.yaml file that is stored in the <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>/IBM Application Discovery Mainframe Projects Service/conf/ folder.
Cross Applications Service
Back up the conf.yaml file that is stored in the <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>/IBM Application Discovery Cross Applications Service/conf/ folder.