z/OS Subsystem and Third-Party Product Configuration Checklists
The purpose of this appendix is to provide checklists for configuring IBM® Application Discovery to interact with common z/OS® subsystems and third-party tools. These configurations require changes both to IBM AD Build Configuration and IBM AD Connect for Mainframe on z/OS.
Db2 Checklist
The following steps must be performed to enable IBM AD to interact with Db2® on z/OS:
- Add the primary Db2 installation load library to the z/OS Connector/Listener procedure JCL. For more information, see Configuring the Listener PROC.
- Customize and submit the Db2 bind jobs.Note: You can create a DBRM-based plan, or a more current package-based plan (recommended).
- Configure the IBM AD Build Server to access Db2 (Db2 subsystem name/level of Db2).
- Manually access Db2 information through IBM AD Build Configuration.
For detailed information about the above-mentioned steps, check the IBM Application Discovery Connect for Mainframe documentation.
ChangeMan® ZMF Checklist
The following steps must be performed to configure ChangeMan® ZMF:
- Modify the IAYXMLRQ sample JCL member.
- Allocate the XMLIN data sets.
- Allocate the XMLOUT data sets.
- Additionally, set up Continuous Rule Validation.
- Follow the steps from Bringing data from mainframe using ChangeMan® ZMF.
For detailed information about the above-mentioned steps, check the IBM Application Discovery Connect for Mainframe documentation.