z/OS Subsystem and Third-Party Product Configuration Checklists

The purpose of this appendix is to provide checklists for configuring IBM® Application Discovery to interact with common z/OS® subsystems and third-party tools. These configurations require changes both to IBM AD Build Configuration and IBM AD Connect for Mainframe on z/OS.

Db2 Checklist

The following steps must be performed to enable IBM AD to interact with Db2® on z/OS:
  1. Add the primary Db2 installation load library to the z/OS Connector/Listener procedure JCL. For more information, see Configuring the Listener PROC.
  2. Customize and submit the Db2 bind jobs.
    Note: You can create a DBRM-based plan, or a more current package-based plan (recommended).
  3. Configure the IBM AD Build Server to access Db2 (Db2 subsystem name/level of Db2).
  4. Manually access Db2 information through IBM AD Build Configuration.

For detailed information about the above-mentioned steps, check the IBM Application Discovery Connect for Mainframe documentation.

ChangeMan® ZMF Checklist

The following steps must be performed to configure ChangeMan® ZMF:
  1. Modify the IAYXMLRQ sample JCL member.
  2. Allocate the XMLIN data sets.
  3. Allocate the XMLOUT data sets.
  4. Additionally, set up Continuous Rule Validation.
  5. Follow the steps from Bringing data from mainframe using ChangeMan® ZMF.

For detailed information about the above-mentioned steps, check the IBM Application Discovery Connect for Mainframe documentation.