Sharing a created workspace for collaboration
After a workspace is created, the workspace can be shared to others for collaborating on the workbooks in the workspace.
- Sharing a workspace that was created.
- Managing the member of a shared workspace.
- Checking the workspaces that were shared to you.
Sharing a workspace that was created
To share a workspace, complete the following steps:
- Select a workspace that was created on the main Z Refactoring Assistant landing page. For example, the created workspace GenApp.
- Click the Action Menu icon on the Actions column of
the workspace, and select Share.
- When the pop-up window for sharing the workspace is displayed, enter the email addresses of the users that you want to share the workspace with.
- Select the permissions that the users will have in the shared workspace. Three permissions can
be set up.
- Can view workbooks
This permission includes the following authorities and limitations.
- Workbooks can be opened in read-only mode.
- Changes can still be made to the local copy of the workbooks except the status of the workbooks.
- The local copy can be exported.
- The changes in the local copy will not be saved to the server.
- Workbooks cannot be imported, deleted, or created by slicing code blocks to a new workbook.
- Workbooks can be opened in read-only mode.
- Can edit workbooksThis permission includes the following authorities and limitations.
- Workbooks can be opened for editing if you are the first one to open them. Otherwise, the workbooks only can be opened in the read-only mode with the authorities that are described in the permission to view workbooks.
- Workbooks cannot be imported, deleted, or created by slicing code blocks to a new workbook.
- Can edit, create and import workbooksThis permission includes the following authorities and limitations.
- Workbooks can be opened for editing with the authorities that are described in the permission to edit workbooks. Also, workbooks can be imported, or created by slicing code blocks to a new workbook.
- Only the workbooks that you created can be deleted, unless you are the owner of the shared workspace. The owner of the shared workspace can delete any workbook that is not being edited.
- Can view workbooks
- Click Invite to share the created workspace.