Creating a workbook

A workbook is a collection of service code blocks. You can use a workbook to save and manage your service code blocks.

To create a workbook, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to the Graph view and select a program node of interest to you.
  2. Click the Action Menu icon (The image shows the Action Menu icon.) on the upper right corner of the program node.
  3. Select one of the options to determine the key condition type to identify. The Workbooks page with the identified key conditions is displayed.
  4. Right-click a key condition and then select the option to slice on the key condition to a new workbook. Or, select the non-highlighted lines that you want to add, right-click, and then select the option to copy selected lines to a new workbook.
  5. In the dialog that is displayed, type the name of the workbook and add tags.
    Note: Select the Slice backwards checkbox if you want to slice backwards on paragraphs and conditional statements.
    The image shows the Slice to new workbook dialog.
  6. Click Save to create the workbook.